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From: SkatinJJ@aol.com [mailto:SkatinJJ@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 11:14 PM
Subject: dark fighting, James Chaney
Dark Fighting
James Chaney
Dreamwizards in rockville
July 10, 2005
about 25 participants
Its been so long since I posted here. Last time I posted it
was my scysaur deck and everyone that wrote to me liked it
and had good suggestions for it. I hope for the same with
this deck.
3 larvitar
2 dark pupitar
2 dark tyranitar
2 dratini
3 dark dragonair
4 hitmanchan
1 igglybuff (promo-good night song)
1 cleffa (promo-eek)
3 pokemon breeder fields
2 nightly garbage run
1 pokemon breeder
1 pokemon trader
2 the boss's way
3 bill
3 professor elm
2 pokeball
2 recycle
23 fighting
round one: haymaker deck
Okay, my deck actually almost lost this one due to the
fastness of the haymaker. My opponent start with a scyther
and a hitmanchan on the bench. I had a hitmanchan and a
larvitar. He started. I got an energy on hitmanchan and
knocked out hitmanchan since he switched. Scyther took
hitmanchan but I had a d. pupitar with energies. Used poke
trader to get d. tyranitar and used mountain crush to win by
gettign rid of the cards he needed and his pokemon.
round two: psychic deck
Needless to say I lost due to weakness (hitmanchan died
quickly), but I came close. I started with a larvitar and
dratini. My opponent had rocket's mewtwo and mew. I went
first and drew hitmanchan. Then, psychic man powered up mew.
Hitmanchan stood no chance when mew got to do 40 damage with
psybeam. Luckily I had tyranitar ready. he used alakazam to
keep damage off mew and won by taking tyranitar and my
hitmanchan. Tough lost. But i did get to draw half my prizes
due to fling away.
round three: yet another psychic deck (grrrr........)
Another tough lost since it came down to one prize a piece.
I had hitmanchan ready to go and he finally got his
sabrina's alakazam powered up and crushed tyranitar for the
most part.
Double elimination and I'm gone. Oh well, at least this deck
record is 10-2, not too bad for a new deck.
James Chaney
Please write suggestions for my deck. I'm really looking
forward to improving this deck. If you write please use the
subject deck suggestion or something similar in capitals so
I don't delete it by accident. Thanks.