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From: James "Jim" Hill [mailto:jbnhill@cox.net]
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: deck report - Kinetic Control - Jim Hill
Top Deck Games
Kinetic Control
by N.J. Hill
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hey Pojo, and all those reading! I have never submitted
before, but I still hope i can do well! Well, I play a Gardy/Pidgeot/Wobby
deck called Kinetic Control. Here's the list.
Pokemon - 24
4 ralts
2 kirlia (R/S)
1 kirlia (SS)
2 gardevoir (R/S)
2 gardy ex
2 pidgey
2 pidgeotto
1 pidgeot
2 wynaut
2 wobbys
1 sentret (TR)
1 furret (TR)
1 dunsparce
1 rocket's mewtwo ex
trainers - 16
3 prof. oak's research
3 rare candy's
2 wally's training
2 celio's network
1 bill's maintenance
1 mr. stone's project
1 vs seeker
1 energy search
1 switch
1 atm rock
energy - 20
20 psychic energy
The tournament I go to is unlimited. There were 6 people
there. Well here we go!
Round 1 vs Andrew with Charizard(basic)/Blaziken ex
I start out with wobbufet, ralts, and another ralts. He
mulligans 3 times and i get a rare candy, pidgey, and
pidgeot. lol. Anyway he starts with a lone charmander. I
have wobbufett out. He draws, oaks, and gets a torchic and a
charmander. He scratches for 10 and ends his turn. I attach
to wobbufett, candy to pidgeot, quick search another candy,
and end my turn. He attaches another energy to charmander,
embers, and ends his turn. I attach, quick search a
gardevoir ex, candy into it, and end my turn. He goes
doesn't get a energy, so he ends. I go, attach, and attack
to kill charmander, and get a crap prize. He can't do
anything so he ends his turn. I attach to gardevoir ex, and
end my turn by killing torchic. He goes, attaches to
charmander, evolve, and ends his turn. i go, do 50 to
charmeleon, and end my turn. He does 50 to me kill me and
ends his turn. I go, put up gardevoir ex, and feedback for
70, killing charmeleon and benching him.
Record 1-0
Round 2 vs little kid with ?
I get a horrible, horrible hand, and get no basics besides a
ralts. he has regice ex (HL) and stalls with a dodou to
power it up. I get crap, crap, and more crap, so he kills
Record 1-1
Round 3 vs Leiland with psychic exeggutor
i get a great hand and he does too. i start out with mewtwo
ex, ralts, and wobby. He starts out with mysterious fossil
(?), exeggcute, and slowpoke. I attach an energy to mewtwo
and end my turn. He just attaches to slowpoke and ends his
turn. This kinda goes on for a while until he evolves into
slowbro, then he celio's for a eggy, and evolves as well. By
this time he has 3 energys on eggy. i attach my last energy
to mewtwo and kill slowbro. he puts up eggy and kills mewtwo.
i draw, gardy ex, candy to it, and attach an energy and end
my turn. he kills my wobby and ends his turn. i attach an
energy, feedback and kill his eggy. he puts up the fossil,
evolves into aerodactyl ex attaches and ends his turn. i
attach another energy, by mr. stone's project, and feedback
for 60. He attaches a double rainbow and attacks. My turn,
attach my last energy, psystorm for the kill, and bench him.
Record 2-1
Somehow i get to the finals, which is kinda cool, and end up
playing regice guy.
Finals vs regice kid
Well i get a pretty good hand, starting out with dunsparce.
i go first, strike and run for wobby, ralts, and mewtwo. I
switch out with mewtwo, and end my turn. he has only regice,
he draws, gets a dodou, switches to it and attaches and does
shutter speed or something like that. My turn, attach
another energy to mewtwo, candy to gardy ex, and end my
turn. He attaches another energy to regice ex and ends his
turn. My go attach another energy to mewtwo and hypnoblast
for the kill. he puts up regice, and freeze locks me for 60,
and gets tails on the flip. i attach an energy to gardy, and
then i darkness switch the 60 to him. He freeze locks me
again, and gets another tails. Now i think, i don't have any
switches, i don't have any energys, but it dons on me i have
mr. stones project in my hand! So I use that, attach to
mewtwo and kill regice. He doesn't have any other good
cards, so i kill everything and win the tournament!
I get $10 store credit and get 2 emerald packs and get
regice ex and gardevoir. I also trade a lot of stuff and
make a shiftry/sceptile deck. I also used my allowance later
on to get a pack tin thing and a pack. I get a gengar ex in
there too. So all in all it was a good day.
To all the good players i played against.
To regice ex (emerald)
to my Gengar ex
to my mom for giving me the ride to the tourney.
to Eddie the store owner
Really there wasn't any
Well thanks for reading you guys. I might submit next week,
I'm not sure. Well, see ya!
email: jbnhill@cox.net