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Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 9:36 AM
Subject: draft deck - 4th Street Boutique
Moore, OK
Team Rocket Draft
by N.J. Hill
Hey Pojo! I won my tournament down in Tulsa and I was goin'
to OK city so i decided to go to this tournament. We were
goin' to play modified but all the people weren't there for
it, so we decided to play a sealed draft tournament. We each
got a team rocket starter deck and two packs, where we built
our decks from. I got the Trouble one so here's my 40 card
deck. Bear in mind that this deck is entirely from the
original Team Rocket set. Here we go.
Pokemon - 16
4 abra
1 kadabra
2 dark kadabra
2 ekans
1 dark arbok
2 gastly
1 haunter
1 jynx
1 drowzee
1 meowth
trainers - 8
2 potion
1 rocket's sneak attack
1 the boss's way
1 switch
1 goop gas attack
1 gust of wind
1 bill
energy - 16
8 psychic energys
5 grass energys
1 full heal energy
1 potion energy
1 rainbow energy
okay, that's it, well here goes the tournament!
Round 1 vs CJ (i think that's his name)
CJ starts out with koffing ( i'm thinking), and i start out
with jnyx with 2 abras benched. i attach to abra and end my
turn. he puts down a squirtle and ends his turn. i go evolve
to supers psy kadabra, attach an energy and end my turn. he
does smog and ends his turn. i evolve to dark kadabra,
attach an energy to kadabra, switch with jynx, and super psy
for the knock-out. His turn evolves to either dark wartortle
or regular, but he still ends his turn. i super psy for 50
and end my turn. he does 20 to me and ends his turn. i do 50
to him and bench him.
record 1-0
Round 2 vs Randy
I got a horrible horrible endless horrible hand and so did
he. the game was so long you'd finish reading it at
Christmas. Well he finally gets his own kadabra up and kicks
my horrible hand (still) to pieces.
Record 1-1
Round 3 vs colin or something like that
well we both start out with jynx, i attach an energy, do
doubleslap, get 2 heads, and do 40 to him do to weakness,
his turn he does doubleslap, but only gets 1 heads. my turn
i try to go for the win if i can get 2 heads, but naturally
i don't and just get one. his turn he puts down a drowzee
and ends his turn. i go knock out jynx and end my turn. he
goes, evolves to dark hypno and psypunch for the knockout. I
put up abra, with 3 energys on it, if i can draw a kadabra
i'll win, but i don't so i do psyshock, and paralyze him. he
attaches an energy and ends his turn. I go put down a meowth
and psyshock but i don't get to paralyze him. so he kills
me. i put up meowth, put down a abra and end my turn. he
can't do anything ot meowth for resistance so he puts up my
abra. i don't have any energys to retreat him so i end my
turn by putting down my 3rd abra. he kills abra and ends his
turn. i put up meowth, put down a drowzee try long distance
hypnosis but fail, and end my turn. he does gust of wind for
my abra, bench mind control's or something like that and
kills abra and draws his last prize.
Record 1-2
round 4 vs rob or ron or something like that
well he just kicks my butt with wartortle, 'cause i go my
3rd bad hand in a row.
ah well i still got a bunch of card promo thingys. Oh yeah i
just remembered, Pojo on my last report you put me as jim
hill, my name is N.J. hill, so please put that name. Jim is
my dad not me. Thank ya'!
to all hte new people i got ot play yesterday.
to my ever good hand on round 1
to all my bad hands 3 rounds in a row
well thanks for reading. I know I would've done 100 times
better with my gardy deck, but what hte heck. anyway report
to yall soon. Hopefully i can get into a major tournament
soon, instead of these other little ones i've been playing
in. No offense to anybody who goes to my tournaments,
they're great, i just want to play in a bigger tournament.
well enough of me rambling, talk to ya later. See ya!
email me at,