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Pokemon Tournament Reports

Lancaster City Championships
December 16th 2006
By: Computerguy3163
After weeks of preparation with deck testing several decks, I decide to go with my Banette ex/SD deck. Out of all the decks that I tested this one was definitely the most consistent and had the least amount of bad match-ups. So I go to my league on Friday and test some more and found out that my friend Adam was playing a Tyranitar ex/Mightyena ex deck and Shane was playing a Shiftry ex deck. That's not good for me because they have my weakness and resistance. When I got home that night I decided to tweak my deck just a little bit before Saturday. I ended up putting in 2 Crystal Shard and 2 Castaway just in case I had to play against one of them at the tournament.
I didn't have time to see if the changes would work so I would have to wait until the tournament started to see if I made the right decision.
There was 4 rounds with a cut to top 4.
Round 1 Vs Shawn Sandman.
I get Banette ex out first turn and take out his two 40HP Oddish.
Round 2 Vs Adam Sanford
One of the two people I did not want to play against. I went first with Shuppet, attached an energy and passed because I had Banette ex in my hand. He had a Poochyena and Paralyzed me. I evolved and attached a Rainbow energy and a Crystal Shard and took out the Poochyena. Then I knocked out his Dunsparce. I was lucky to get through that one.
Round 3 Vs Jared
Quick win. Banette ex Vs Flareon from UF.
One more win and I was guaranteed to make top 4.
Round 4 Vs. Sorry, don't remember your name.
He had a very good deck with Tyranitar ex d and Altaria ex. My deck just got set up a little faster than his.
Yes, I made top cut in 2nd place. The only problem with that was Shane got 3rd so I had to play him.
Top 4
Round 5 Vs Shane Stone
Best two out of three matches.
The first match he got Shiftry ex out really quick. With the resistance and not being able to draw a Crystal Shard he ended up winning. The second match he was steamrollering me and knocking out all my Shuppet. he took a 5 prize lead. I had one shuppet left but could not draw a Banette ex or a trainer to get me one. I finally got one out with a Crystal Shard and took out his Nuzleef. I ended up coming back from a 5 prize deficit and winning. That was the match of the tournament. The third and final match went like the first one with Shane winning.
So the tournament ends for me with a 5-2 record and finishing in 3rd place. Shane ends up in 2nd place. What's so ironic is that I let Shane borrow a lot of the cards in his deck including the Shiftry ex.
Finishing in 3rd place.
Trading for a Sceptile ex d, Flygon ex d, Rayquaza ex d, Salamence ex d, and a Mew* d.
My brother Nik finishing 8th in the Senior Division
My sister Nicole for finishing 11th in the Masters Division
Shane for beating me with my deck idea and my own cards.
All in all it was a great and fun tournament and I improved my ranking.
I will be going to the El Segundo City Championships on Dec. 23rd to judge. See everyone there.




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