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Pokemon Tournament Reports

Greenfaulds EX Legend Maker Prerelease, Feb 12th 06
Report by Cole Bendall (PokeGuru)
Following a long series of events including refurbishments at venues, weird pubs and old men in white tank tops, we ended up having a new, cleaner pub to run our events in. Problem was, it was about another half hour away from our original venue. =/
So, a train and a cramped car journey later, I and my friend, Andrew R, arrive at the venue, along with our TO, Chalkey, Allan R and our TO's son, Conan. We get set up and a long banter session later with the other 15+ entrants, we get to opening our boosters.
Since I'm writing this ages after the prerelease, I can't remember the exact contents, although I do remember Lanturn, Lilleep and Muk as my main Pokemon, with a Spinda draw and Misdreavus stall.
My first round was against this player from Aberdeen - he played a lot in the WotC days, but only recently restarted with the game. The match went quite quickly. He just couldn't draw basics, and my T2 evolve to Muk basically destroyed him from there.
Next round was against Alistar F, who knocked out my Muk early, and went on with a Machoke beatdown from there. Checked to see if I could stall any longer, but couldn't.
3rd round was against Ali F's dad, John F. We had each taken one prize each, and he'd put up Wynaut as active. I had heard about a previous game, where he basically used Wobbuffet's Shadow Tag attack to annialate the opponent. Unfortunately, he couldn't appear to draw it. So while he stalled with repetative Wynaut confusions, I started to build up a benched Lanturn. After a bit, I retreat for Lanturn and start beating him down from there. Time is called and I'm 2 prizes ahead of him, so I win.
We then hear that 15+ has a top cut. A few were at 2-1, so I was nervous. Turned out I was the highest ranking 2-1, and had to play the undefeated 3-0 - Andrew R. =/
4th match, we both took 1 prize early. We were stalling for a bit just blocking each other's attacks. I thought I was doomed for a bit until I managed to draw a React Energy to fully reheal my active Tangela. His downfall comes where he uses Spinda's draw attack and rolls 7 heads, thereby drawing 14 cards. He ends up with 5 cards in his deck. While the prizes end up getting to 1-1, I hold out those 5 turns and deck him to win.
So I win 15+, which was good. Andrew R gets Arcanine ex in his prize boosters, which is bad. =( I buy some boosters after the prerelease and get a Banette ex, which is good. Nature is rebalanced once again.
Andrew R for a great final match
Our TO, Chalkey, for coping with the larger numbers than usual
The prize boosters which were pretty cool throughout
My POP 2 prizes - ended up with a Pidgeot and a Venusaur
Nice venue
Andrew R getting the Arcanine
The slightly too small deckbox
Tournament Software for crashing at one point
Well, I'll be reporting again soon from the Greenfaulds CC on Feb 26th. See you then!
cole (dot) bendall (at) btinternet (dot) com



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