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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Pokemon Tournament
By Nicholas Kirkpatrick (ninetales1234)
Aardvark's Videos, Comics, and Games
Lusby, MD
Sunday January 15, 2006
Modified Swiss style tournament- 10 participants
Well, I go from being one of the highest ranked players
in MD, to where I am now (1601). For the last few weeks
at Aardvark Gym, I've been losing more than I've been
winning. Of all my 38 matches played in 2005-2006, I
have won 18. I knew I could do better than that, so I
tried building a more competitive deck (all my previous
decks were not what I would consider competitive).
The past few weeks, I've been playing a Tyracargo (Tyranitar
d/ Magcargo
[DX]) deck. I thought, "Hey, what better card to combo
Magcargo with than
Ludicolo- the "Happy Dance" one! Its attack does more
damage when it has more energy on it¡" Well, that deck
was fun (extremely), but I wanted to try something
different; something I thought stood a better chance
(that still had Ludi in it) Here it is:
Pokemon: (22)
4x Paras [RG]
3x Parasect [RG]
4x Lotad [DX] (Surprise)
2x Lombre [DX] (Natural Cure)
2x Ludicolo [DX] (Happy Dance)
1x Ludicolo [DX] (Swing Dance)
3x Oddish [UF]
1x Gloom [UF]
2x Bellossom [HL]
Trainers: (20)
4x Energy Search
4x Rare Candy
3x Fluffy Berry
2x Rocket's Admin
2x Celio's Network
2x Wally's Training
2x Battle Frontier
1x TV Reporter
Energy: (18)
12x Basic
4x Multi
Round One: Chris V (Dragonite d) Rating: 1716 I had an
OK opening hand. A Paras and a Multi Energy. I put down
Paras as my active. I went first and attached Multi
Energy. I used "Call for Family" to get 2 Lotad. Chris
had a lone Eevee as his active. He attached Metal energy
and searched for a Jolteon d with "Energy Evolution." He
used "Delta Search." On turn two, I used evolved Lotad
and used "Call for Family" to get an Oddish and another
Paras. Chris used "Return Spark" to finish my Paras.
I chose Paras as my new active. I evolved the Lombre on
my bench. I did not attack with Paras, as I chose to
attach an energy to my Ludicolo instead.
Chris put an Eevee and a Dratini d on his bench and
finished my Paras with "Return Spark." I sent out
Ludicolo. I used an energy search and attached a third
water energy. I used Ludicolo's "Happy Dance." I used
"Water Punch," and got two heads, enough to KO Jolteon
d. He chose Beldum d as his new active.
On turn five, I put a Fluffy Berry on Ludi. My hand was
not helping me, so I used Rocket's Admin. I had 4 energy
on Ludi, and head to get at least one heads to KO his
Beldum. I did, bringing the Prize count to 4-4. Chris
put his benched Eevee forward. He used a Holon
Transceiver to get a Holon Researcher (This was the big
turning point in the game). He got a Dragonite d and
placed it on the Dragonair on his bench Next turn, I
realize that my Ludi was about to go down as soon as I
KOed his Eevee. But there was really nothing I could do,
so I KOed his Eevee. My Ludicolo had no damage, but
Chris was able to OHKO it with his Dragonair d using
"Heavy Impact" (Darn Delta Species and its strange type
Pokemon! A Lightning Dragonite! What the heck!?).
I put Oddish forward. On turn seven, I evolved my
benched Lotad to Ludicolo (Swing Dance). I had no
energy, but I hoped I could get something out of its
Poke-Power to help me. I Rocket's Admin-ed and then used
"Swing Dance" while a series of insignificant moves
occurred over the next few turns.
Eventually, Chris's Dragonite d KOed my second Ludi, and
he won on prizes
Round Two: Ryan S (Dark Ttar/Noctowl) Rating: 1608 I had
a sub-par hand with a few energies and Lotad. I went
first, using energy search and then "Surprise" to send a
Holon Lass to his deck (That upset him a lot. I'm glad I
got rid of it; it's a good first turn card).
Ryan's active was Larvatar. He put a Hoothoot on the
bench and he used Larvatar's "Retaliate" to do 10
My next turn, I drew a Lotad and put it on the bench. I
put an energy on my active Lotad and evolved it. I
"Blot" Larvatar (unfortunately it was the one without
water weakness, so it was still in the game). He used
Lanette's Net Search to get Rocket's Raikou EX, a
Larvatar, and a Dratini d. His Larvatar did "Retaliate"
for 30 damage.
On turn three, I attached Multi Energy to Lotad. Lombre
used "Blot" to KO Larvatar. Ryan pushed his Hoothoot
forward. He used Wally's Training and then "Spearhead"
with his Noctowl.
Turn four, I attached a Multi Energy to Lombre. I put
down my tech Battle Frontier and then I "Blot" his
Noctowl. Ryan just used "Spearhead" again.
On turn five, I put an energy on Lotad. I "Blot." He
"Spearhead." Next turn, I put an energy on Lotad. I
"Blot." He puts a Larvatar on his bench and "Spearhead"
(I wish I had Copycat. He used Spearhead four times, but
he must not have drawn anything good; his hand was very
large). He evolved his benched Dark Pupitar to Dark
T-tar (Spining Tail) On turn seven, I drew a Celio's
Network. I used it to get a Ludicolo [Swing Dance] and
put it on my Lombre. I used "Circular Steps" to finish
He Sent out Dark Dragonair. He picked up his deck for
"Evolutionary Light." I quickly pointed that my BF was
still in play. So he just put an energy on Dark T-tar
and ended his turn.
Turn eight, I use "Circular Steps" to KO his Dark
Dragonair. He sent out Dark T-tar and uses Bite Off.
My Ludi is now at 20 HP. I Celio for a Lotad and played
it just to increase the damage for "Circular Steps." It
did 70 damage. His Dark T-tar KOed Ludi.
I pushed my benched Lotad forward. I drew a Ludicolo
[Happy Dance] and got it on my active Lotad with the aid
of Rare Candy. My Ludi "Water Punch" with four energies
and eliminated Dark T-tar. Ryan sent out his Larvatar On
turn eleven, I "Water Punch" his Larvatar, telling him
that I had a
1/16 chance of not OHKOing it (I succeed). He sent out
Rocket's Raikou EX and used "Thuderous Blow" to do 70 to
Ludi (I sure was happy Rocket's Raikou EX wasn't
On Turn twelve, I get three heads on "Water Punch." It's
just enough to get rid of Rocket's Raikou EX and I win
on prizes.
Round Three: KJ P (Hypno [DS] /Gardevoir [EM]) Rating:
1536 I went first with Paras as my active and a bad hand
(no energy). KJ had a Meowth [DS] and used "Bite." Next
turn, I drew a water energy and put it on Paras. I "Call
for Family." KJ put a Drowzee [DS] on the bench and
"Bite" again.
On turn three, I put a Lombre on Lotad and Wally for a
Ludi [Swing Dance]. I put an Oddish on my bench. I
"Healing Steps" (without discarding). KJ "Bite" again.
On turn four, I "Healing Steps" to KO Meowth. She sent
out Drowzee. She put another Drowzee on the bench. She
used "Disable" on Ludi's "Healing Steps." This was going
to cause me some trouble, as I didn't have enough energy
for it's other attack.
I drew Bellossom and Rare candy my Oddish to evolve it.
I get rid of two damage counters on Ludi with "Heal
Dance." KJ evolved her benched Drowzee and "Disable" my
Ludi again.
I was getting energy screwed. On turn six, I put an
energy on Ludi. KJ used "Disable" again.
By turn seven, I had enough energy to use "Circular
Steps," so I KOed Drowzee. She pushed Hypno forward.
I "Circular Steps" to KO Hypno. A series of
insignificant moves occurred until KJ was able to get a
Noctowl as her active and place an Energy Root on it.
I did 80 to her Noctowl with "Circular Steps." She "Spearhead."I
KOed Noctowl. She sent out a Ralts [DS], which I KOed
with Ludi and won when she ran out of Pokemon.
Round Four: William T (Monarchy) Rating: 1603 William
went first. He had a Makuhita [DX] active and I had a
Paras. He used "Thrust" and got tails. I drew a Multi
Energy and put it on Paras. I played an Oddish. Then I
"Call for Family" to get 2 Lotad.
William played a Nidoran ¡á, put an energy on Makuhita,
used "Rising Lunge," and did 20 damage to Paras. I put
an energy on Lotad. I used "Toxic Spore" and got tails.
He evolved to Hariyama [EM] and "Shove" Paras, knocking
it out. I pushed a Paras forward and put an energy on my
benched Lotad.
On turn four, he "Shove" Paras and got heads. I put
another energy on my benched Lotad.
He evolved his Nidoran ¡á and KOed paras with Hariyama.
I sent Oddish, put a Multi Energy on it and got heads on
"Stun Spore." William played a Nidoran ¡â. I retreated
my Oddish for Lotad. I evolved to Ludi with Rare Candy
and "Water Punch" to KO Hariyama.
He sent out Nidoran ¡â. He used Master Ball to get
Nidorina and evolved his active Pokemon. He played
Pidgey and "Fast Evolution" for Pidgeotto and Nidoking.
I Energy Search-ed and put an energy on Ludi.
On turn eight, he evolved his Pidgey and played a
Nidoran ¡â. He evolved his benched Nidorino. Nidorina
"Scratch" to do 30 damage to my Ludi (Nidoking's power
adds 10 damage to that attack). I "Water Punch" with 5
energy on Ludi and KO Nidorina.
He sent out his Nidoking. He evolved his Pidgetto and
"Quick Search". I easily KO his Nidoking; Ludi had 5
energy on it and Nidoking had water weakness. William
gave up.
Round Five: Tabitha D (Eevee/ Starmie [DS]) We both
start with only one active Pokemon. Tabitha had Staryu
[DX] and I had Lotad. She went first, doing 10 damage
with "Rapid Spin." I attached an energy to Lotad and
used Rocket's Admin, getting a Ludicolo and a Bellssom
(not helpful at this point).
Next turn, she played 2 Eevee and a Beldum. She attached
a Holon Energy FF to Eevee. She "Rapid Spin" again and
switched with Eevee. I attached another energy to Lotad.
I used "Surprise" to get a Metal Energy into her deck.
On turn three, she put a Metal Energy on Eevee, but
apparently had no d Pokemon that evolved from Eevee, as
she didn't use "Energy Evolution." She used "Tail Whap."
I put a third energy on Lotad. I still had an empty
bench. I "Surprise" to put a Holon's Magneton in her
Turn four, Tabitha used "Tail Whap" on Lotad (It now had
10 HP left, having been attacked four times).
I ended up losing this match due to an odd scenario that
I never came across in playtesting this deck: Having
only one basic Pokemon for the first five turns! So she
KOed my first and last Pokemon (with only 10 damage
attacks) for the win.
Round Six: Ryan W (Dragonite d- again!) Rating: 1622
Ryan had a Dratini d as his active. I had an Oddish and
a Paras as my active. I went first with a Celio's
Network and Rare Candy in hand waiting for a turn 2
stage 2 evolution. I "Call for Family" to get 2 Lotad.
Ryan put a Lightning energy on his Dratini d. He played
Holon Ruins. Each turn except turn two, he discarded
energy to pay for its effect.
Then I used Celio to get Bellossom and evolved my Oddish
with Rare Candy.
Ryan "Thunder Wave" and got heads.
Turn three, I put a second energy on my benched Lotad.
He "Thunder Wave" again and got tails.
On the next turn, I evolved my Lotad and "Call for
Family" again to get a Paras and an Oddish. He "Thunder
Wave" again and got heads.
I evolved my benched Lombre to Ludi [Swing Dance]. Ryan
played Steven's Advice (got six cards). He was able to
Rare Candy his Dratini d to Dragonite d. He got two
Lightning Energy on his active Pokemon (With Dragonite
d's Power of course). Dragonite d KOed Paras, so I put
my Ludi forward.
On turn six, I put on energy on my benched Lotad. I
"Circular Steps" to do 90 damage (I had a full bench) to
Dragonite d. He used "Heavy Impact" to KO Ludi.
I sent Paras out. I played a Lotad to the bench. Ryan
attached a Metal Energy to Dragonite d. He "Heavy
Impact" to KO Paras.
On turn eight I sent out Bellossom and played BF. He
"Delta Charge" to power up a benched Eevee (which now
had 5 energy on it). He evolved it to Jolteon EX and
used its power. He then used "Heavy Impact" again.
Turn nine, I was running out of options. I did nothing.
Ryan KOed Bellossom.
I pushed my Paras forward. I Wally's Training to evolve
it (just for the purpose of thinning my deck- I was out
of energy, so I couldn't attack with it). He "Heavy
Impact" Parasect.
On turn eleven, I realized that I was out of options.
The match between Ryan and I was the only match of the
last round still being played, so I conceded (so the
tournament could end and the winners could get their
However, an observer behind me pointed out that people
were watching my match and wanted to see the rest of it.
I looked around and saw about 80% of the people in the
room were watching my match. The TO was watching, and
said that I was entertaining them and they wanted to see
me play.
So I finished the match. I sent out a basic Pokemon,
which Ryan OHKOed.
Then I sent another basic, which Ryan OHKOed. He wins on
At the end of it all, I increased my rating by 2 points
(to 1603!)
Props: No one Copycat or Rocket's Admin-ing on me.
Me for not losing more than I win (which I had been
doing for the last four weeks' tournaments). Also for
not losing to anyone whose rating was lower than mine.
Slops: Me for not going undefeated, which would've
brought my total Win % back to 50.
Nicholas Kirkpatrick