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Pokemon Tournament Reports

 Pokemon states in the lou - March 2006

Okay okay okay, It's been a long time since I have sent in a tourney report but let me tell you what happened at States.

Okay The deck I was playing was Mewogre (A deck where Kypgre Ex( HL) comes out and you use holon lass to bring out energy's in your hand then super tidal wave for like a lot of damage while Kyogre is about to die just play another one with a delta species mewtwo to send the water energies to the new kyogre and then super scoop up the old one.)
But I don't remember all the battles I have had but my record was 3-3.
After that my friend Jack and I ran the Gameboy tournament we had over 12 players in it, The tournament went so well Vince (meganium 45) asked us if we could do a Gameboy tourney every saturday before the TCG tourney so expect greatness from St. Louis Mo when it comes to pokemon.
Props to go.
Meeting with the experts, the greats none other then team Chicago,
Team chicago.
Team Chicago
1)The beautiful Jessica.
2)Jessica's Father (I believe his name was Richard)
3)I do not remember the last two members but it was a son and a dad.
The dad was one of the best players in the 15 and up.
4)But his sons ranking was Number 8 in the world all divisions that's amazing for a kid.
Rival Alert.
Jessica even though we did not finish our battle we promised we will meet again.
A Pact.
After Jessica left me and Jack made a pact to do our best and make it to worlds.
Till next time see ya.
lilgroudon out.



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