Heey all,
Since there are no big prizes here (well, the CC bag +
trophy), you're not done with regionals if you win one.
So today (7th May) I played the second and also last
Regionals in my country.
(Regionals North report here:
http://www.pojo.com/KillerDecks/2006/4-28.shtml )
This time it was serious. we had 2 regionals - just North
and South, And since I live South, this one means more to me
than the Northern Regionals.
So yea, I decide to play lunasol, a deck that focusses on
Lunatone and Solrock alone. This time I won't post a
decklist since I feel like a teammate or me might use it in
the near future again.
I arrive along with the other Local players early, so I
finally got to trade a lot of stuffs for my decks. Thanks
anyone I bought from or traded with!
About 50 people participated, with 21 in my age category;
The tournament takes off;
Round 1 vs Mirja w/ Polistall
This was a pretty easy match for me, I get set up very fast,
due to mentor. she takes a couple of turns, but by that time
I damaged politoed already with one of my solrocks. then she
attacks a bit too early with politoed ex for 30 damage on my
solrock. I take full advantage of the situation and I use
lunatones + desert ruins for some major damage. She KO's
lunatone, and I reversal-kill the politoed next turn, after
that, every poliwag she drops gets pokemon reversal'd and
KO'd. GG 1-0
Round 2 vs Maurice w/ Gengar
yay yay, again maurice, my teammate.
He starts pretty slow compared to my fast setup. None of my
solrocks were prized this round, so I ohko almost everything
I see. he never gets gengar because he couldn't use Quick
Search. I energy removal anything he attaches, and I win
pretty easily.
Round 3 vs ??? w/ Metro
hard matchup, but he doesn't start very well, and I also
flip a lot of energy removal 2 heads this game, so his setup
takes even longer. He does eventually setup, but he only
gets 1 prize after that because my early lunatones had
damaged all his pokemon enough to OHKO.
Round 4 vs Nick vd v w/ Queendom
another hard match up, and it takes me freaking 5 turns to
get a holon FF so he started 2 prizes ahead of me because he
used pidgeot to attack. I ER2 and reversal desperately to KO
some of his nidoran. I eventually get my setup and I get
back in the game. When I only had 2 prizes left when he gets
fully setup with nidoqueen and 2 pidgeot.
this is very hard for me, and it eventually gets us in
Sudden death with both 1 prize left. I topdeck very bad and
he almost succeeds in winning a nearly lost game. but he is
one energy short of winning.
Next turn I finally topdeck a pokemon reversal and I KO a
benched pokemon.
Round 5 vs Florens w/ BLS
This was pretty funny as we both know we made it to the
finals, and also because he plays a 200$ deck versus my
Lunasol, which is maybe 25$. Well anyway, he starts pretty
bad and he can't quick search. I reversal his T1 blastoise
ex and I eventually KO it (at the sacrifice of 1 lunatone I
think). BLS without blastoise and Pidgeot is pretty useless,
so I get an easy game from here on.
Top 4 matches;
Me - Lunasol, versus teammate Jamal O - Hariyama ex Florens
- BLS versus teammate Maurice vd B - Gengar
Semifinals vs Jamal
We have the greatest games ever, there was no minute when we
(including florens and maurice) didn't laugh. For anyone who
has seen South Park - The Jeffersons, we sang some songs out
of that episode.
Game 1;
I get a headstart and flip my energy removal heads. Once
again, none of my solrock are prized, so I can easily OHKO
lunatone. after a while I had drawn 4 of my prizes, to his
pathetic 0 yet. But then again, now he finally has hariyama
fully charged, so he OHKO's a lunatone. I answer by slowly
killing hariyama ex.
Game 2;
This one is very close, we both start fast, but 2 of my
solrock were prized, so I never got to do much damage, I
couldn't even OHKO a makuhita. I do KO a hariyama though, at
the cost of 2 precious lunatone. I farmer + great ball them
back so I can continue grabbing prizes. I really need 50
damage to win this match. but he flips 3 times tails in a
row when he tries to paralyze my Solrock with his Lunatone.
So this gets me even more prizes. eventually I'm down to 2
prizes and I still didn't get Solrock. He gets another yama
ex and gets to KO 2 lunatones again. We both have 2 prizes
left now, but since he just has hariyama ex and some
solrocks left, he has no choice to KO another lunatone, just
to get KO'ed himself. (since solrock can do bench damage)
Good games mate, Good games.
BLS usually, and again wins vs my other teammate's Gengar
Finals vs Florens and the 200 dollar deck Game 1; he jirachi
swarms me, and even though I just miss one solrock for
instant KO's, his slow setup gets me some prizes, which is
great since the attackers in BLS are all EX's. from here on
I control the game and I easily manage to finish it. he does
get a blastoise ex, but I'm fast enough to stop it before it
gets too dangerous.
Game 2;
Like last game, I get some mulligans, and I start very bad.
I do have all the solrock this time though, but I lack
energy. it takes me some turns to get an energy to Kill a
weakened blastoise, but at least I get to pull that off.
(you should've retreated for steelix ex mate).
Anyway, he then uses a steelix ex to shoot one of my
lunatones, I farmer + great ball a lost solrock back in the
game for 120 damage.
and due to his energy raining and weakness, that's a KO.
As I've said before, BLS without stoise AND pidgeot is
helpless. I easily can finish this regionals.
I continue going unbeaten (in sanctioned matches) in 2006,
which is cool :) Props;
- My deck
- My luck
- Rob H - teammate and driver-
- Maurice vdB -teammate and T4 -
- Jamal O -teammate and T4 -
- Martin and Erik, for organising another great tournament
- Mc donalds.
- Thomas W - ice cream! : D
- another time both Jamal and Maurice, for winning in the
last rounds even though your match-ups seemed hopeless.
- Rob H for being the only teammember outside of Top 4
(lol j/k mate)
Kevin89 / Kevin de M
- kevindemooij@gmail.com