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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Pokemon Tournament
by Gregory Chisholm
Brads Sport Cards & Collectables
Coral Springs FL
14-Under tournament
July 15, 2006
Well i noticed that the Killer deck reports was lacking
a lot of well....Reports i decided to do one. I really
wanted to win this so i did my research and i knew the
top decks their were going to be LBS, and I THOUGHT a a
certain hariyama Deck (which included Ninetails and
houndoom ). Here is the deck-
4 Voltorb HL
3 Electrode EX
3 Beldum HL
2 Metang Delta
3 Metagross Delta
1 Girafarig LM
4 Pow!Hand Extension
4 Proffessor Elms Training Method
4 Rockets Admin
1 Switch
2 Copycat
3 Masterball
4 TV reporter
3 Desert Ruins
1 Holon Ruins
4 Rare Candy
2 Delta Rainbow Energy
4 Metal Energy
7 Lightning Energy
Strategy is to Blow up trode ex and get energy on
metagross and use Pow! to my advantage.
Well before the tourney started i got challenged by
someone who i thought was alot of competition. He asked
if i wanted to battle, but on one condition-- We play
with our tourney decks, so i decided to lie and get my
machamp deck and battle him with it. SOOO... I end up
losing turn 2 (i had a lone Feebas start) Vs my worst
nightmare his yama deck XD. So i thought he was going to
play his Hariyama/9tails/Houndoom deck. So i replaced my
1 Girafarig LM for 1 Protective Orb. This would help vs
The Hariyama deck and all the other random fire stuff
the other newer players had =P . So after eating a
hashbrown Round 1 was announced.
Round 1 Vs My worst nightmare Hariyama =O
So i thought this was an autoloss for my Metro deck but
i play my best anyway. I gets heads and go first with a
Beldum HL benched and a Voltorb HL active. He flips over
a Corphish(and no bench), and im like WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!
Then i decide o well better for me.I attach a Metal
energy to Voltorb and use recharge. He draws and
attaches a Water energy to corphish and does 10 to
voltorb. I draw and its a masterball, I use it to see if
i can end the game early but their was no Electrode EX
to be found . So i retreat Voltorb for a Beldum and
attach an energy to voltorb. He draws and plays
Crawdaunt EX. Im thinking PLEASE give me Trode EX
PLEASE! He attaches Boost and does 80 damage. i put
voltorb active and i draw and dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN!
ELECTRODE EX! i put down desert ruins and then Evo to
trode ex. Then i use Crush and burn for 200 damage. GG
man lol that was a fun game.
Lunch time!!!!!!
I go to Wendys with the rest of Team brads (including
Ron) I get a sandwhich or somethin...
Round 2 Vs Nicks Fire deck
Im glad i put in the Protective Orb now XD . So i roll
higher and go first. I dont wanna go into too much
detail. Basically he never even got a Combusken Out (and
he doesnt use Rare candy in the deck) The only threat he
got out was the moltres from the one of those Tin's but
i just went Turbo Electrode EX on his entire deck.
Beldum never had to be laid down lol. GG kid
Round 3 Vs Danny with LBS
I was pretty confident on this matchup.
I go 2nd and have a voltorb active. He basically doesnt
get setup. To make a long story short he use wartortle
as a main attacker. But i couldnt get and beldums or any
draw. Somewhere along in the game i make a mistake and
evolve my benched Electrode EX before i blow up my
active Electrode EX. SO Danny basically gets 2 free
prizes beacause the judge rules i cant take it back. And
it was downhill from their.
soooo im pretty disapointed at myself but w/e im almost
garunteed Top2 .
Top 2 is announced and its me vs Danny
OK we both spend like 20 minutes shuffling XD .
Dragonshields obv rule because Bianchi was using them
too ;D LOL. We FINALLY get done shuffling and comparing
sleeves lol. i win the roll and i go first with a Beldum
start, i attach an energy and Call for a Voltorb.Next
turn he mentor's and gets Squirtle Pidgey and Jirachi
HL. He makes a wish and says its my turn. I retreat for
Voltorb and then evo to Metang. I then use recharge and
its his turn. He makes a wish (he WONT get tails on
sleep check lol) and then evos to pidgeotto. Then its my
turn again (he gets another heads on sleep check ) I
attach an energy and then evolve to Electrode EX and
masterball for a Metagross . I use Metas power to get a
Pow! Then i KO his jirachi DX. He then uses Jirachi HL
to get a Pidgeot. So i draw and its another pow. I then
play Holon Ruins and use it discarding a Metal energy.
Then i use TV reporter and discard an energy, then metas
power. I then use Electrodes power. he takes 2 prizes i
now have 7 energy total on my Metagross i beleive. I
then bench Beldum and Rare candy it into Metang delta.
The i pow! up his pidgeot and discard 2 energy to KO it.
He then draws and gets a blasty ex and rare candy his
squirtle Luckily he has no Holons. Then he Gets another
jirachi DX and uses its power and passes. He gets tails
on sleep check. I then draw and its a metagross, I evo
my metang to it. Then i use both of their Powers + a
holon ruins i get a voltorb Rare candy AND trode EX ROFL.
i then blow up the trode and get a couple enrgy on the
benched Metagross. i THEN use pow to bring his blastoise
ex active and KO it by discarding 3. At this point hes
pretty pissed. He passes. I bench a voltorb and use
switch for the voltorb then pass. He cant resist the
urge to KO just as i thought. And he draws something
good becuz i see a huge smile on his face LOL. so i
basically Admin his 8 card hand to 1. and then play
Desert ruins. And use both metas to try and get a pow
But none ot be found.....we both basically pass for a
few turns and his benched lugia ex now has 5 damage on
it. I draw and guess what it is.....A POW!!!!! i pow his
lugia ex up FTW. REAL GG man.
And i dont want to bore you guys or tire my fingers
anymore so ill just tell you basically the exact same
thing happend in game 2 as in game 1.
i End up wining 11 packs of my choice
i get nothing from them =/
then i go home
overall it was a fun tournement
Mrs.Michelle for taking almost all of team brads
Matt and rich for playin a rouge deck and doing pretty
good with it
Rich for wining 50 dollars
Bianchi ...just becuz....
larry and Crew for just being cool AND letting me borrow
a trode ex.
Brads for being a cool store.
ShawofMordor for helping me with Metro
Lower turnout then expected
Anthony just beacause hes....Anthony ;D
sloppy sandwiches at wendys
and thats about all...
if anyone reading this wants to talk strategy or
something IM me ay Sceppyking or Email me at Sceppyking@aol.com
Cya around
~ Gregory C.