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Pokemon Tournament
My Ex Dragon Frontiers Prerelease Report by Raichu88
Location: Almere
Tournament name: Prerelease Ex Dragon Frontiers
Time Tournament Starts: 11.00
I woke up at Rob's place at 09.00 after that I woke up
Kevin89 and Rob.
We got dressed and had a nice breakfast thank to Rob's Mom.
We finally
left the house at 10.00, as usual Rob drove like a maniac to
get there in time. 0_0
The tournament started later then expected because some
little kids had trouble
with their deck building, so I helped them.
So Finally the Tournament started.
First Match Me vs Kevin89 >_<
What you can't be serious our first tournamet of the season
and we have to face each other.
Anyways Kevin89 started quite decent and and didn't have
anything this was over rather quick.
Second Round
We both setup quick and got our Pokes out and started
trading prizes. After that he got his Altaria ex out and
were both down to one last prize. He forgets that Altaria ex
has weakness for Colorless and I had a benched Flaafy left
that did enough to K.O the Altaria ex.
Third round
He got the Altaria ex out so quick that I couldn't do
Ah well so I lose but I lost to a team mate wich isn't too
Second Match Me vs Oliver
I started with my Latios ex and he started with Larvitar. He
didn't had anything so he kept doing 10. I switch the Latios
ex for Gligar and kept paralyzing him until Latios ex was
powerd. Then I switched for the K.O
Second Round
He again started with a lone Basic Pokemon Dratini I started
with Smeargle I kept on Collecting until I got my Powerd
Shelgon and K.O him.
Third Match Me vs Tjappie
He had a 3-2-1 Dragonite ex line because he's a cheater.
Anyways we started I got totally nothing he gets T3
Dragonite ex because he's a cheater and K.O me
Second Round
The same here he got a T3 Dragonite Ex because he's a
cheater I showed some resistance but this thing is Awfully
good in Limited.
Fourth Match Me vs Rob
What another PAIN member ah well let's have fun shall we. I
started pretty good and K.O most of his Pokemon very quick,
Sorry Rob.
Second Round
He got Snorlax and Stalled the heck out of me. Then he sets
up what he needs for the K.O
Third Round
I started masterly and he didn't got anything good so Rob
was like OK….. I think you would win this thing let's go
trade and we did.
So I won 2 and Lost 2 ah well it's a Pre and the most
mportant thing of a Pre is too have fun.
Instead of trading cards to get a good deck and trying to
win. I'm glad Kevin89 Won the fair way.
Kevin89 for Winning the Pre
Rob for the Weekend fun and Driving
The Lady at the Tournament Location who gave us such good
Everybody who traded cards with me.
Tjappie for Cheating.
New York Pizza for opening too late.
Getting POP 3 Boosters
~ Raichu88