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From: tony yost [mailto:tyost@xtn.net]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 2:34 PM

Subject: ludi at unlimited tourney TN - tony yost

Hey all I'm back with another tourney report! This was fun and I played ludicargo with grumpig.So anyway here we go!

Round 1 VS. Will?

He is a first time pokemon player so he was pretty easy. I remember nothing about this match except that I grumpig swarmed. He gave me a little trouble with his dustox but he was weak to psychic so once grumpig got out i killed him in a couple turns.


Record 1-0

Round 2 VS. Austin Abbey (Haryama Ex)

This was probably the toughest match of the tourney.He got a turn 2 Haryama and I thankfully had a ludi built up to stall and by the time he killed my ludi I had taken out 2 Haryama. (he had a lot of benched pokemon.) And I had a powered up grumpig. (You know the rest.)

GG! Record 2-0

Round 3 VS. Nathan ? (championship match!)

This one was SOOO easy. He was playing a version of the 2 UF starters combined. ( I couldn't believe he made it to the championship!) Anyway basically he died thanks to ludi so that part was easy but then stantler came up and killed a ludi so then I shoved up a cargo and attached a DRE so that killed him with strength charm.

So yeah I won another tourney and got 2 packs (Got nothing!) And I was happy Because I got a lot of fame and everyone liked me except alex haas because he was wanting to win and was jealous.

Sorry about last time I mistyped my email!

Mail me at spygameking@juno.com Ciao!


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