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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Pokemon Tournament
Alex Bramham (te55eract@hotmail.co.uk)
using Raiboketic at Crewe UK on the 4th March 2007.
Turnout: About 8 in each age group
4 Holon’s Castform
3 Pikachu d
3 Raichu d
3 Ekans d
3 Arbok d
2 Togepi d
2 Togetic d
2 Holon’s Magnemite
4 Holon Transceiver
4 Holon Mentor
3 Holon Researcher
2 Holon Adventurer
1 Holon Scientist
2 Scott
1 Holon Legacy
3 Cursed Stone
3 Full Flame
4 Cessation Crystal
4 Metal Energy
3 Double Rainbow Energy
4 Scramble Energy
Until I receive and practice Metanite I've been using a
combination of Raichu d, Arbok d and Togetic d. The
theme of the deck is fast consistent damage with Raichu
d as well as heavy anti-delta with Arbok d and Togetic
d. Full flames are used to really pack a punch with burn
damage and cessation crystals are used along side Raichu
d's Zap for further anti-powers mayhem.
Due to an error in an old TOM version that only came to
awareness after Swiss, I was placed in 15+. There were
to be three rounds of swiss each best of three. No prize
support apart from the boosters and no pins or promos.
Some players have told me that an old TOM version
invalidated the tourney.
How my games went:
Round 1 v Jonathon: Tyranicargo
Jon's setup was slow both games and so I picked off his
pokémon with Raichu d's metallic thunder.
Round 2 v Stephanie (manicgiraffe): Flygon ex d
The game was intense, we each built up and destroyed
each other's evolutions. The anti-delta pokemon caused a
lot of damage and time was called soon after we had both
won a game to start a sudden death game. This was close,
she delta drew after I had an Arbok. Scientist couldn't
grab me the full flame I needed for a 50:50 shot and a
double rainbow never turned up. Soon I was left
optionless versus a Flygon ex d. Best game I've ever
Round 3 v Lawrence: Lunasol
Zap, zap, zap, zap win x2.
I was now in top-cut with Josh Platt. I was top in
standings because of resistance.
Josh was also using Flygon ex d with Fearow d. After
delta drawing a good amount of times, I had ample
cessation crystals to stop him doing anything.
A few scrambles after scapegoated basics and double
rainbows on Togetic later I won on prizes. The second
game was similar.
So I score a hat-trick and match Kempley winning my
third consecutive city championship and I pull a
Tyranitar ex dfrom my half-booster box. Come on
Regionals and go Metanite! (in the UK Regionals are
similar structure to States in the US I think).