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Pokemon Tournament Reports Nationals Report 2006-2007 Jeroen Robert
Hello my name is Jeroen Robert and this is my report of the Belgium nationals 2006-2007.
Word in Advance. I didn’t play any pokémon for a long time but a friend of me wanted me to attempt at the nationals so I played 2 tournaments in advance one in Hannover(1st place) I borrowed a deck from my friend Frederick Nielsen he is one of the best Belguim players in the junior division .One day after Hannover I played a battle road in Aalst (Belgium) and got in 2nd place to my friend Maurice van den Bosch (Raichu88) .We had so much fun that weekend and I enjoyed to play pokémon once again. Next week : Nationals but we had a problem, Frederick had realized how good the deck was and wanted to play it himself so I said no problem and he could play it . But yeah I had a problem no deck I was used to… And there was Maurice I asked to borrow his deck for the nationals because he is a Dutch player and only had a minor tournament that week so I could borrow it and in return I gave him my battle road promo card I won in Hannover .
Nationals We played 4 rounds of swiss followed with a top 8. My deck (MetaNite)
1st Round
-Bye- Wonn 1 – Lost 0 This kind of like really sucked because I really wanted to play but yeah no problem.
2nd round Against Pierre Zagala ( DeltaSpeed )
Game 1 : I thought I was unlucky because from the start I already had to play a really strong competitor in my first game. I started with a fair hand drawing my mentor and quickly getting my basic pokémon he also played a mentor and filled up his bench. In the 3th turn I had my metagross and killed one of his pokémon But in the turn after that he attached an scramble energy knocking out my metagross with kingler . But I had my prize advantage and I managed to draw one prize every turn and he also was very unlucky because of his weakness . 1-0
Game2 . He only gets a lonely pokémon and doesn’t manage to draw anything and I kill him in the 3th turn. 2-0
Wonn 2 – Lost 0
3th Round Against Michel Delhausse (Flygon delta / Flygon Ex)
Game 1 : I get a good set up getting al my basics in the first turn and he had a flygon Ex in his first turn so he really sand damaged my bench . But I was lucky because I had my latias(Star) and he didn’t drew any energy’s so I was able to kill his flygon ex leaving him wit less pokémon and taking the game. 1-0
Game2: I again had a good set up and I drew a prize before him and I was able to take a prize every turn and I won the game. 2-0
Wonn 3 – Lost 0
4th Round Against Peter B. ( Eeveelutions)
Game 1 : I was almost sure to make the top because I was 3-0 and I already won from 2 of the best players there where so I played this game very relaxed and that’s why I made some mistakes. I got my set u and he got 3 eevee’s and he started to use his powers and started locking me and took 2 fast prizes but I figured out that had one weakness and that was the fact that al of his cards where Ex’es and knew to kill 2 of his eevelutons and started to power up my lugia Ex and finished the game with lugia killing a flarion ex . 1-0
Game 2 : Same story different game 2-0
Final 8 and qualified in 1st place Aight !!
Final 8 Against Leathitia Delhausse ( Flygon Delta /Flygon Ex)
Game 1: I Drew nothing knowing that I started with a lonely latios ex and a lugia ex letting her take fast prizes and killing me very fast in no time. 0-1
Game 2: I got my set up having 2 transceiver in my hand allowing me to get my stage 2’s in play she also had a fairly good set up but she had very bad luck in drawing energy’s so I was able to kill her pokémon very fast and I won the match. 1-1
Game 3: I was very happy to still be alive because I kind of gave up hope after the 1ste game so I started with new hope for the 3th game. I had my mentor and started up my bench coming ahead in prizes she 3-6 but she came back very fast and I was powering up my lugia ex because my latias(star) was already knocked out and the called time on her time and she had one prize more than me so I won not even had to use my lugia Ex. I was so happy to win because I never thought to come this far even after my hope was smashed down on the floor losing the first game . But I was able to come back and go ahead to the Final 4. 2-1
Final 4 Against Peter B (Eevelutions)
Game 1: Again against Peter ^^ I Believed in my chances because I already beated him the first time . He had 4 eevee’s very fast using a mentor and he played out a flarion Ex killing one of my pokémon and he played some annoying card like crystal beach and some tools so I already had to use some of my windstorm to get them away I get my set up after some time because I didn’t had my mentor or transceiver in my starting hand so I started some turns later getting 2 dragonite and 2 metagross . and I was able to take 4 prizes and he took 3 prizes . but there it was crystal beach and my last prize was a windstorm and I wasn’t able to knock him out and I had to use my dragonite and his agility to protect my damaging him so hard in the end and finally taking the game 1-0
Game 2: The 1ste game took like 50 minutes so I only had to play my mentor to fill up my bench and had to make sure that the game didn’t finished and that’s what happened and I won on time. 2-0
Aightttt!!! Final Against Helga Helskens (Speedban)
Game 1 : Crap , Crap start only and active ex that got killed very fast by an Banette and I almost gave up hope this game but afterall my pokémon came up and I was able to kill her Bannete leaving her with a surprisingly crappy set up and I took the match!! 1-0
Game 2 : Same story different game but now my only pokémon where Ex’es leaving her the game. 1-1
Game 3 : I finally got my mentor and got my set up . I killed her bannete ex leaving her with a regular bannette and some other pokemon she figured out to get an other bannete ex witch I killed before she killed my lugia Ex and I took the match very easily!! Aight Belgian Champion!!!
I Won: -Trip to Hawaii ^^ -24 boosters -And some Stuff
Propssssss: - Maurice definitely for borrowing his deck ^^ Thanks man ;-) (Lekker Vettig) - Frederick for winning the junior devision and joining me to Hawaii =) - Pia For showing me that playing could be fun again and believed in me that I could win the tournament (Ps : Thanks for the fun)
Slopsssss: - The players who where jealous of my winning the Belgian championship (Again)
Hawaii is going to be Funn !! Maurice I hope you’ll win the Dutch Nationals and joining us in our trip to Hawaii ;-)
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