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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Pokemon Tournament
Name: Alex
Location: Crewe, UK
May 2007
So I win a Regional :)
All thanks to awesome Kempley whom lent me a Dragonite!
My list for you netdeckers:
4 Holon’s Castform HP 44
1 Holon’s Voltorb DS 71
4 Beldum DS 59
2 Metang DS 49
3 Metagross DS 11
1 Metagross DX 11
3 Dratini DS 66
1 Dragonair DS 42
2 Dragonite DS 3
1 Dragonite ex DF 91
1 Latios ex DF 96
1 Latias HP 11
1 Latios* DX 106
1 Tauros CG 12
4 Holon Transceiver DS 98
4 Holon Mentor DF 75
2 Holon Researcher DS 95
1 Holon Adventurer HP 85
1 Holon Scientist DS 97
1 Holon Farmer DS 91
3 Windstorm CG 85
4 Rare Candy HP 90
1 Switch DF 83
1 Warp Point CG 84
1 Mr. Briney’s Compassion P2 8
4 Metal Energy
7 Lightning Energy
Nothing too special, not an ideal build I know. Expect a
new list post-Nationals
My report!
Game 1 v Becki w/ Claydol+Slowking
Very strange deck that didn't work well. Lightning and
water weakness was exploted with Metagross and Latios ex
d respectively. I received a prize penalty for brineying
latios ex d (shameful I know, didn't read it!).
Game 2
I can't remember this game but I swept through basics
efficently for the win.
Game 3 v Josh w/ Bandoom
I got setup quickly and crush and burned his Banette exs
quickly and efficently until my prizes were drawn. My
last two were Latias d and Latios ex d (LMAO)!
Game 4 v Adam w/ Flygon ex d
Adam swarmed with Flygon ex ds alongside typical Fearow
and chimecho. I used
Latios* but my farmer was prized :( Careful energy
management allowed to just reach enough damage for the
win with crush and burn.
Top 2 final:
Versus Ross w/ Feraliquaza d
I know Ross' deck inside-out and I had ideas to play
around it.
Game 1:
I got setup and drew enough prizes from KOing quaza ex
ds. After a special circuit on Draggy d, I attached a
metal. Aware that Battle Aura did not affect bench
damage, Ross wasted a researcher while I delta charged,
crush and burned for the win.
Game 2:
Versus a lone Totodile d (40 HP lightning weak) I had a
lone Dratini d but no lightning energies. I mentored for
a castform the turn after attaching a metal for 20. When
I KOed the now croconaw with agility, quaza ex d fell
for the win.
So I pull alright cards from my prize boosters. Tom
Snook, another legend, let me swap half my dragon
frontiers cards for crystal guardians packs. Got some
nice cards. My trophy was dented though so hopefully the
UK distributor should be able to do something about it.
Kempley = legend
Tom Snook = legend
Venue = great and near a subway.
My opponents were all friendly and made the day great
for everyone. Cheers.
No byes, I win by SKILL and KNOWLEDGE.
Yey I won...
My boosters could have been a little nicer.
Dented trophy
My brother lost all his games.
Would have been nice to meet some other pokégymnausts.
Apparently, my premier rating is messed up because of an
incorrect DoB.