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Pokemon Tournament Reports

Raichu88's Nationals Report
June 25, 2007

Friday morning I woke up got my stuff picked up Jamal and went of to the Park Plaza Hotel in Utrecht. Nationals were held in the same City so…. When I arrived Kevin and

Florens arrived an hour later. As soon as The PAIN Elite 4 was complete we started playtesting al weekend long.Sunday was the BIG day I woke up at 8.00 in the morning. I took a shower and woke up Jamal, Florens and had to kick Kevin out of bed (He’s so lazy in the morning) We had some really nice breakfast with eggs bacon and chocolate croissants and took of to the National Championschip.



Thanks to Rob we made it on time cause me and Rob were asked to do Deck Checks. So I sit down and checked Juniors for quite some time. Then it was finally time to play.


We were playing 6 Rounds of Swiss  Game and a Top 16.


I play my all time favorite MetaNite since it’s so consistent and all.



Round 1


Me vs Bjorn Nieuwenkerk with  MetaNite


Great a Mirror Match ah well I can play this match in my dreams. We both started quite decent until he dropped his Lugia Ex. I’m like yes you just gave me Game so I was thinking everything out until I played Researcher and saw that my 2 Metagross DS were prized >_<. I just needed one to make game then the judge calls time and I lose on prize count….





Round 2


Me vs Sorry man forgot your name know who you are though.


I knew this player from the league but I can’t remember his name…..

He played Gardy Ex but could only get his Kirlia out wich I killed very fast

After that the rest was up for the KO. Sorry Man




Round 3


Me vs Don’t know never saw this guy


He was playing Delcatty Ex and Armaldo PK. He shot things on the bench and after that uses Catty Ex to clean up. By the time he took 1 prize I already took 4. I Lugia Ex his Catty ex for the last 2 prizes.





Round 4


Me vs Remco Hamma! with JynxFett


Hahahaha his name always makes me laugh. This is the third time I had to play him on Nats. I started doing a decent Delta Draw. He uses Roselia to Flick Poison my Dratini so I showed him the Switch I had in my hand. After that he didn’t had anything good and I started KOing his Pokemon. I took the finals prize card by doing 220 Damage on his Jynx cause of weakness.





Round 5


Me vs Anna Schipper with R-gon


I had a Lugia Ex start…….. >_<





Round 6


Me vs Tristan with MetaNite


Again another Mirror Match….. Ah well I can play this in my dreams so let’s go.

He was telling me before the match that he was a noob and didn’t had a correct working MetaNite list since he didn’t had to cards to build it. I said no problem let’s just play and we had a really fun Game even though I slapped him silly with Mew’s  and Latios *. Sorry that I had to beat you man but we had FUN wich is important too

see you next year on Nats.








Top 16


Yes I made it in like the rest of my Team. But I was 16th so I got paired up against my good old friend and Team Member no other then Kevin de Mooij a.k.a The National Champion from 2006 ;-).



Best of Three Here we GO!


Game 1


Kevin was playing Delta >_< and my Deck doesn’t like Delta that much Y’all….

Anyway we started playing and I swear I thought of every move twice we both played like a Champion till we were down on 2-2 in prizes. I had an Active Dragonite and did an Agility wich would gave me Game if I flipped heads. So I roll the die …… 3 No it was over.. too bad.



Game 2


Turn 3 Crystal Shard in my Dragonite’s Face………


Ah well I Congrat Kevin and wish him luck in Top 8.



!!This is important!! :


I may have lost but my friend has won so I can be happy for him that he has won.





Park Plaza

Pia for everything!

Everybody I had FUN with

Dave Schwimmer for being on Nats this year  and for the POP boosters

Hape and Elsa Wagner and all the other Judges for Organizing





Just 1


Facing Kevin in Top 16 >_<











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