My top 16 Regionals
I played Abomasnow/Manectric
Pokemon: 18
4 Snover (SF)
4 Abomasnow (SF)
2 Manectric (PL)
2 Electrike (MD)
2 Baltoy (GE)
2 Claydol (GE)
1 Pachirisu (GE)
1 Unown G (GE)
1 Cresselia (MD)
1 Cresselia LvX (GE)
Trainers: 25
4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Warp Point
2 Dawn Stadium
2 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Looker's Investigation
2 Night Maintenance
3 TM Evoluter
1 TM Devoluter
1 Luxury Ball
1 Premier Ball
Energy: 15
3 Call Energy
1 Cyclone Energy
2 Water Energy
9 Electric Energy
It was a good day all around, long, but good.
I got up at about 8 for the half hour drive to
downtown Toronto, and when we got to the hotel, My
brother and I couldn't figure out which floor it was
on, because it wasn't where it usually was, but we
eventually figured it out and took the elevator to
the top floor for the tourney.
I didn't have a deck made entirely, but I knew that
I wanted to use Abomasnow, so I borrowed two
Manectric at the beginning of the tourney, was given
a lightning energy, and bought an Unown G as well as
two Dawn Stadium.
Then I was ready to go.
Round 1 (Tyranitar/Weavile) (Sorry, I don't remember
your name)
He had a very poor start, and I had a decent one,
getting going with an Abomasnow quickly, using snow
play a couple of times before he got the KO. When he
got out his Weavile to power up his two Tyranitar, I
sent up Manectric which took prizes on his weavile
as well as Uxie's.
What it came down to was a nearly fully powered
T-Tar being knocked out by Devoluter for the game.
Round 2 (Empoleon/Giratina) (Marcel Lesage)
He started with a Piplup and baltoy on the bench. I
was able to get a quick Manectric and started
hammering all his pokemon with powers for 30,
including uxie's and Claydol.
Eventually he was forced to play his hand and use
Giratina's power, which set up another KO for
Manectric, which was the story of the game.
Manectric's Poke-body also helped keep Baltoy safe
for me.
Round 3 (Toxicroak G/Skuntank G) (Tyler Curtis)
He had a decent deck, which took me down to one
prize, but all I remember from this game was KO'ing
Crobats, Skuntanks, and finishing with a warp point
to Manectric to which you sent out Honchkrow, which
I hit for 40 x2 for the win.
Round 4 (AMU) (Ray Lui)
He was a great player to play against, and I believe
he dropped later in the day to see how his kids were
doing. And they did well

Anyway, the match.
He started strong with an Azelf hitting for 20, but
it all went downhill for him after that because his
power-heavy deck couldn't stand up to Manectrics
which were dealing about 120 overall per turn. He
had out a Palkia LvX, but I had the Warp Point every
single time to get Claydol out of the active
position. He never got a Supreme Blast in the whole
Round 5 (Beedrill Swarm) (Princess) I'm very sorry,
I forgot your last name.
Well, this was an interesting game. I am playing
down (4-0 vs. 3-1) and wondering what would happen.
She started with a baltoy and attached a leaf
energy, and I was wondering if I was playing a
Torterra deck, which would be difficult, but
But then came the Beedrills, and with them hitting
for one hit KO's on my Abomasnows which could do
almost nothing to them, I lost this one fairly
Just before round 6 I was talking with the guy who
had lent me the Manectrics, and he said he'd played
the same deck at provincials, but was beaten in the
top four by a Blaziken deck. I was a little worried,
but I didn't think I'd see one.
Round 6 (Blaziken) I'm very sorry, I don't remember
your name.
Wouldn't you know it. Blaziken.
But I did well regardless.
He started with a Torchic, me with a Snover, he hit
me for 20, I hit him for 20 and sleep, which he
rolled a tails for. I KO'd it next turn with a snow
play from Abomasnow and took over the game from
there. His Uxie's and Platinum Blaziken were badly
hurt by Manectric, and I took the win with use of
nearly all four Warp Points (again).
I was pretty sure I'd made the top cut from here.
Round 7 (Dialga G) (Professor Terry.)
I didn't expect to win this one going in, and his
Dialga overwhelmed me with their steel energy and my
low damage output.
He stopped my powers for 7 turns in a row as well,
but I couldn't KO his mespirit because he took all
six prizes first.

Top 16
I was seeded 9th, the exact same as last year's
Eastern Canadian Regionals, but this year I faced
Coleman Fung (Sorry if I got your last name wrong).
Another Dialga G deck.
The first in the best two out of three was all
Dialga G, with their special metals preventing all
damage, and him not laying many supports for me to
KO. I scooped to go to game two.
I did fairly well this game, fully powering up an
Abomasnow, using Manectric's second attack to it's
full extent, and using my resistance combined with
Cresselia LvX to damage the Dialga G more. But time
was called, with me behind on prizes.
I finished somewhere about 9th I suppose, though you
don't really know, considering there might have been
an upset. It was a good day, I just wish I could
have improved on last year rather than doing the
exact same thing.

- To Bryan who lent me the two Manectric
- To my little brother who finished 15th in seniors,
winning 9 packs
- To pulling Dialga G in my packs
- To having Dad drive me to downtown Toronto
- How long the tournament took
- Not improving on last year
- Best friend not being able to come.
That's all.
Thanks for reading.