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Pokemon Tournament
Pokemon Worlds Report
By Jay
First a few people I owe thank you's,
for helping me this year
Drew G. (TheDarkTwins)
Con L.
Alex F.
Going into Worlds I had 3 Major decks I was thinking
about LuxApe, Palkia and Flygon. I felt really good
about my Luxape list and felt I went at least 50-50
with pretty much everything in the format. Palkia I
also really liked but hadn’t spent much time
perfecting a list while it was always on the table
as a deck choice for me it was never at the front of
my mind since I felt I would greatly struggle with
mirror. Since a majority of the players who decided
to run it would not only have more perfected list
but also much more experience making me an underdog
in mirror and I still felt it had a ruff match up to
LuxApe. As for Flygon I thought Flygon was amazing,
all that needed to happen was someone needed to
break the deck.
So I get out there Wednesday afternoon and Drew G.
is all crazy about this knew Flygon deck he heard
about he sits down and plays me with his Flygon vs.
my Gengar/Queen. Long story short he wins via deck
out because my last Warp Point is prized I think I
had 2 prizes left in the end. I believe that Warp
Point would have won me the game he probably would
disagree with me. Either way long story short I
wasn’t impressed. I don’t really give the deck
another thought and just chill Wednesday and catch
up with a lot of friends. Later that night I come
down to the lobby and see Rob Downs and Scott
chilling. I end up playing against Scott going 2-0
in Luxape mirror, we talk a little strategy and
makes a few last minute changes to his list he told
me they were improvements and they helped him the
next day so I’m glad I didn’t give bad advice .
Anyways than me and Rob play with his Flygon vs. my
Luxape, I won’t say everything in there but he did
play a bumped up Queen line. The game went like it
should me going up 2-4 prizes but I missed some key
Power Sprays and the bumped up Queen line helped him
make a comeback. I talk a little strategy with and
Flygon, I’m not sold on the deck and still not
thinking about playing but I’m becoming more
So mainly I just chill and watch the grinders. I
actually get a solid 3-4 mile run in, go me. I come
back cheer on a few friends. Later in the day I hear
how Ben is like 4-0 with Flygon, so I start get more
and more interested combined with the fact I see a
ton of Mewtwo X and Machamp (I expected the Machamp
more than Mewtwo at least for the grinders) I start
feeling much more nervous about playing Luxape. I
decide if nothing else I had to at least build this
Flygon and get a couple quick test games in a
against I go up to my room a put together a ruff
list. I call Drew up and tell him I’m really liking
this Flygon and to take a look at my list to see if
nothing else is it solid to test against. So I meet
him down in the game room and he is like hold on I
want to watch Bens game. I’m like cool since Ben is
6-0 at this point. I don’t think Scott would be
ashamed to admit it but Ben destroyed him the game
wasn’t even close with Ben taking all 6 prizes. This
pretty much convinced me that Luxape was not the
play. So 8 PM the night before Worlds and I have no
idea what to play. So me a Drew sit down and go over
our decks. Drew talks about a lot of his techs I
could not figure out how he found all the room to
play them. So he goes alright organize your deck and
we will go through it and see the differences.
Apparently in my hurry to get down to the game room.
I played a 4-4 Claydol, consistant yes, a good idea
but probably a little bit of over kill. I really
wanted to run a 3-3 because of Luxape but didn’t
have the room. After we talk some strategy I change
about 6 cards in my deck.
Here is the list.
Pokemon: 25
3x Trapinch SW
1x Trapinch RR
2x Vibrava
2x Flygon RR
1x Flygon SW
1x Flygon Lv. X
2x Machop SF
1x Machoke SF
2x Machamp SF
1x Nidoran RR
1x Nidoqueen RR
2x Baltoy
2x Claydol
1x Chatot
1x Uxie
Trainers: 22
4x Bebe’s Search
4x Roseanne’s Research
3x Cynthia’s Feelings
4x Rare Candy
2x Night Maintance
2x Memory Berry
1x Warp Point
1x Luxury Ball
Energy: 13
4x Call Energy
3x Upper Energy
5x Fighting Energy
1x Psychic Energy
In the end Drew’s list and mine were about 4 cards
off. I had to have the Fighting Flygon I felt like
Mirror was very legit possibility and it was amazing
in mirror. Drew played 4 Fighting 2 Psychic so he
could attack with Queen and make sure it had free
retreat. I felt like 4 Fighting was too low for
consistency especially under the Power Lock and
while I felt 2 Psychic was nice the 5th fighting was
more essential. Lastly he played 2 Broken Time
Space. While they were nice I just didn’t feel like
they did enough to warrant the 2 spots and were
harmful in mirror. I decided to go with a RR
Trapinch, having 4 Trapinch makes Night Maintance
choices much easier and the RR Trapinch gave me a
little more speed. Over the second BTS I played a
4th Bebe’s Search. Has you can see pretty much the
differences in our list were just personal
Round 1: Vs. James Neumann with Palkia Lock (2nd
Canadian Nats)
I look at my opening hand, and its Chatot,
Roseanne’s, Rare Candy, Machamp, Call Energy and
some other stuff. I’m like wow I can actually get a
quick donk here. He sets done 1 basic and I get even
more excited and then he wins the die roll. Yes
anything outside of Call energy or him holding a
basic means I should win. He flips over Bronzong
drops and Unown G and Guards. My opening hand went
from amazing to mediocre with Unown G. I proceed to
get the turn 1 Champ and Attach Call energy and grab
2 more basic I believe Trapinch and Baltoy. The next
few turns are him Power Locking me while building up
a Palkia G X with an Unown G on it. I had double
Claydol and Flygon I was powering up. I remember in
the midpoint of the match he set me up so I had to
make some very difficult Lost Cyclone Decisions
which included me removing my Machop from play to
save my double Claydol (I didn’t want to remove one
and then have the other Hydro Shotted). I believe he
takes a pretty commanding 2 prize lead but once he
ran out of Mesprit and Power Spray I was able to
make a comeback with a pair of Flygons. It was
really back and fourth game and a fun one to play.
Round 2: Vs. Kevin De Mooji-(Netherlands National
Champion) with Palkia Lock
He gets a solid start on me going up at least 3-4
prizes while I have taken 1-2. He is able to lock me
the first 4 turns rather effectively but I get a
Flygon X and a Nidoqueen out and make a comeback.
This was a real close game because I knew if we
played it out I would have it but there was little
time left in the round so he could win it on time. I
end up winning with about 5 minutes left in the
Round 3: Vs. John Kettler (US-LCQ) with Palkia Lock
Kettler pretty much draw passes the first 3-4 turns
to me before finally hitting a Bebe’s and making it
a game but at this point I was too well established
on the board with Nidoqueen, Claydol and I believe a
Round 4: Vs. Kyle Sucevich/Pooka (United States
National Champion) with Luxape
I think he saw 1 supporter this game. But he still
somehow managed to take 2-3 prizes.
Round 5 Vs. Chris Fulop (US-Rankings Invite) with
Chris Fulop beat me in the finals of 07 US Nats so I
was looking forward to this rematch. The game starts
off with Chris getting a quick Champ to kill my
Chatot and I retaliate with my Flygon I decided to
level it up, yes this was risky call but he had a
total crap set up and I figured it would be at least
2-3 turns before he could get a relation kill longer
if I made smart Inviting Traps, I know how a few
good mills can change an entire game. Was it right
or wrong? I don’t know but it’s the call I made.
Anyways I 2HKO his Machamp he brings up Chatot fills
his bench and Mimic at this point I knew I had to go
for it. I drop the Memory Berry, set up a Queen and
Sand Tomb Chatot. I figured he ran 1-2 Warp Point.
This was a very risky play because I was giving him
time to set up. I mill Godly including a Ditto and a
Duskull. I Sand Tomb for 5 turns (Chatots at 50) and
then retreat back to Trapinch and continue the lock
(fighting resistance on Chatot). He scoops knowing
although I couldn’t deck him, I would just sit there
till time was call and take my second prize and win
4-5 on prizes. (We were tied at the time).
Round 6 Vs. Koujiro Tsuruta (JP) with SP Toolbox
I make no excuses in this game, it has always been
my belief is if you want to be truly good you have
to admit to your mistakes and own up to them and
learn from them. I lose this game because I forget
about Flygons Sand wall attack. He has a stadium and
Skuntank G in play a Majority of the game and it
Round 7: Vs. Helga Helskens: Belgium National Champ
with SP ToolBox
She gets a pretty bad opening had she stays in the
game because she does have a Honchkrow grabbing her
tools. But she never really sees a good supporter
till late in the game.
Top 32: Vs. Pablo Meza (Mexico) with Palkia Lock
So Pablo and I had a bubble game last year in the
6th round of Worlds where a surprise Dusknoir won
him the match in probably one of the best games I
have ever played. So I was definitely looking
forward to this match. I joked around beforehand
that he didn’t have Dusknoir this time around.
Game 1:
So the game starts off pretty standard with him
Power locking me for the first 4 turns, I get a huge
Cynthia off for 8 and hit and Rare Candy Machamp,
followed by a top decked Claydol next turn, Machamp
takes to 3 prizes before he scoops to save time for
game 2. I got really lucky in this game because I
drew amazing under the Lock.
Game 2:
Once again he locks me but I’m able to set up a
Flygon X and Nidoqeen and take it
I know how lucky I got game 1 thankfully Pablo was a
good sport about it and shook my hand and wished me
luck for the next day.
Top 16 Vs. Takuya Yamanaka (Japan) with Palkia Lock
So in Top 32 Chris get 2-0 by this guy. Since me and
Chris are playing similar Flygon list. I asked what
happened. He told me he pretty much got 2 crap hands
and there was nothing he could do about and that he
only made like 2 attacks in both games. He told me
he felt like it was still a positive match up and
that I should be fine. Just to watch out for the
fact that he played Lucario GL and Uxie X. I thanked
him and felt better about the match up especially
knowing that I played Queen while Fulop played
Dusknoir should make this match up even better.
Game 1:
So my opponent has to resleeve no big deal I waited
patiently what I didn’t realize is that everybody
else was shuffling. So by the time my opponent was
done relieving they were about ready to start I
riffle shuffle and pile shuffle once quickly. I
usually like to do it another 1 or 2 times but at
this point I was feeling really pressured to get
started. I just want to say I’m not blaming the
judges what happened was my own fault; I’m just
simply stating what was going through my head. So
after he cuts I mulligan opening with 4-5 Supporters
this point I should have pile shuffled but I did not
the round had already started so I quickly riffle
shuffled again and presented my deck to be cut. I
opened game 1 with Nidoran, 3 Candy, 1 Energy, 1
Memory Berry, 1 Premier Ball. I end up getting
turned 2. At this point he was very excited knowing
he was one game away from top 16 (not excited in a
cocky way just a very emotional person). Me on the
other hand was rather disappointed at myself know
that a beginners mistake might have just cost me a
$1,000. But I couldn’t let that get to me, I figured
I was down a game and we were only 5 minutes into
the round there was no way I was going to get called
for stalling so I was going to take my sweet time
and made sure I shuffled well. I proceed to pile
shuffle at least 3 times with riffle shuffling in
Game 2
I open he take the first prize I Upper a Flygon and
kill his Uxie X and he scoops. I was shocked how
early prizes were still tied 5-5 but his hand must
have been bad.
We have about 45 minutes for game 3
Game 3:
He consistently Power Locks me and goes up about 3-4
prizes but I’m able to set up a Flygon X with Queen
and make a huge come back, once I survived the Power
Lock the tables turned and I was able to make a huge
come back.
He was cool wished me luck and the Japanese
translator told me how to say thank you in Japanese.
It was small gesture but he seemed to appreciate the
Top 8 Vs. Diego Cassiraga Argentina National
Game 1
I open game 1 rather strong and am able to set up a
Queen even though he has me Power Locked eventually
I survive the Power Lock. While he was able to Power
Lock me consistently he misses a few key supporter
and energy drops so he isn’t able to accomplish
much. I finally get a Cosmic Power off for 6 and am
able to fully set up and he scoops to save time for
game 2.
Game 2
He manages to open better but I still get a quick
Queen which makes surviving the Power Lock so much
easier. I finally get a Flygon X built up and am
able to ride it for game.
Top 4: Vs. Steve Silverstro
Honestly I was shocked Beedrill was still in the
tournament I thought Power Locking SP decks would
have knocked it out long ago. I knew there had to be
something different about this list so I gathered
the info that I could and found out he played 1-1
Luxray X and figured 2 Bat and 4 Turn not to mention
a ton of other techs. This pretty much told me to
things 1st his list probably wasn’t as fast as
SpeedDrill decks. So baring an amazing opening hand
I probably would be facing down 3 Bees turn 2. But
this also meant he had a much stronger mid to late
game and a lot more opition than your standard
Beedrill deck. I also assumed he played a very lower
energy count 5-6. Which meant locking was a viable
strategy. And with some good mills I might actually
have a shot at this I knew that match up was still
30-70 but I had good match ups up to this point so I
can’t complain about finally hitting a bad one.
Game 1: He takes a few quick prizes but I actually
get him in the lock with my Trapinch vs. his RR
Beedrill but I wiff 2-3 turns on the Memory Berry I
had a Flygon on the Bench the X in hand. I do get
lucky and he wiffs on a couple of energy drops. Once
I start the lock in him for another 3 turns before
he finally gets the second energy under the Beedrill.
He had only played 3 Night Maintance so he still had
one left. I knew I needed to hit some good mills but
I really didn’t anything that he really cared about.
He was holding the 4th Night, I have no idea for how
long though. I get him down to 3 cards in his deck
before he is finally able to kill me.
Game 2
He opens with Chatot and a Weedle bench but has Rare
Candy Beedrill (GE) and Mimics for 5. At this point
I decide to just rush him and Machamp kill the
Chatot. He draws Godly off the mimic and is able to
set up a Claydol via BTS and then RR Beedrill. My
set up was still faster but early to mid game he
Luxray killed my Claydol which really slowed me down
and came him the time to set up 4 Beedrill. I end up
taking 3 prizes, I had 4 but instead of killing his
active Beedrill I Memory Berry Sand Tombed since it
was the only way I didn’t lose but he was holding
the Warp Point for game.
Steve and I wished each other luck in our next
matches and parted ways.
3rd/4th Place Playoff Vs. Koujiro Tsuruta (JP) with
SP Toolbox
Rematch time, I honestly felt pretty good going into
this match up. I knew the mistakes I had made the
day before and I really wanted a chance to redeem
Game 1:
I open with Chatot, win the die roll but he goes
first since he has a Sabyle I’m like okay whatever.
I have Call Energy and honestly a rather good
opening hand. But he drops Crobat, 10, I was
freaking out at this point realizeing the odds of me
getting donked were rather high. He drops basic dark
energy, okay he is ten shy. Drops Azelf once again I
hold my breath waiting to see another Bat. Uxie, Set
Up for 5. We all hold our breath again. He wiffs, I
let out a sigh of relief, he hits me for 40 and says
go. I manage to get set up with Queen and Flygon X,
Claydol, Machamp and make a comeback. He took the
first 3 prizes relatively easily before I took 1.
Game 2
He burns though 3 Poke Turns in the first 4 turns of
the game. But only grabs a couple prizes, I Memory
Berry up a Lucario GL trying to get him to waste the
4th turn. Worse case scenioero I get to kill it
earlier and not have to worry about it later. He
burns the 4th turn which makes the rest of the game
far easier for me once I hit a Queen, starts healing
up a lot of my bench damage Honchkrow did. I
eventually get up a Flygon X and ride it for the
So I finish 3rd I was happy with how I did and Ko
seemed to be okay with how he did. I was glad the
U.S. took it again but Sami is a good guy and a
great player and I would have had no problem with
him taking Worlds. Sadly Ko and I ran into bad match
ups. I think had we switched the top 4 we would have
had a couple far more interesting match ups. Sami
was heavily teched for mirror but I always had the
chance of catching him in a lock. Not to mention I
had a few advantages he didn’t like the fighting
Flygon. Silveresto deck was fast and would have
destroyed Ko if he got set up but Ko deck was built
around quick prizes and sniping. I think it would
have been a great match ups. Sadly we will never
know. Lol
As for the list I played I owe the following people
Thank Yous
Drew G. for helping me teak my original list
Mikey F and Sebastian C. for coming up with the
Memory Berry Lock
Ben Sauk – For helping me with Strategy ideas and
tweaking the list.
Props: (Believe this list will get much longer) I
would not be the player I am now without these
Ben Sauk
Drew G.
Con L
Alex F
Rob Downs
Ian Brander
Brett Brander
Big Chuck01
I’m sure this report is full of errors, bad
spelling, and huge lapses in game play. Please let
me know if you see anything wrong and I will fix it.