Card Game - Killer Decks - Tourney Reports
April 1999
4-15-99 - I had
challenged Keith Williams (the Q & A man) to come up with a competitive deck that
contained no Holos whatsoever (so you can compete ... yet save $$) This is what he
came up with for the "po' folk" out there:
- Poor Man's Haymaker - K. Williams
Here are some great examples of the types of Tourney Report that
helps everyone become better, and we love getting them!
- Tyler's Farmonchan Deck - T. Grund 4/6/99
- Tyler's Farmonchan Deck - T.
Grund 4/12/99
- Tyler's Farmonchan Deck - T.
Grund 4/24/99
- Quick and Easy - E. Judd - 4/29/99
- Energy
Zap - G. Lee 4/2/99
- Mach 3
- C. Rubin 4/3/99
- Quake
- T. McClenny 4/3/99
- Machampion
- P. Zap 4/4/99
- Re: Machampion
P. Zap 4/29/99
- Smackdown
- E. Chaney 4/17/99
- Psychic Speed - T. Sagona 4/4/99
- Mystical Massacre - P. Dao 4/7/99
- Psycho - R. Johnston - 4/7/99
- Psychic Attack - J. Antonucci 4/8/99
- Unbearable Pain - J. Antonucci
- Psyschic Assault - Sharifl 4/10/99
- The Evil Colorless Eye - J. Ross
- Energy
Denial - L. Soriano 4/2/99
- BackDraft
- M. McCauly 4/2/99
- Insane - YJC 4/4/99
- Volcano - J. Beebe 4/11/99
- Fire-Power
- J. Spittle 4/18/99
- Charipain - R. Henaghan
- 3X Chansey Wall - Burnworth
- 4/29/99
- Mono
Water - J. Bailey 4/3/99
- Mono
Water 2 - T. Hosea 4/8/99
- Mono
Water - Surivirus 4/26/99
- Mono
Water - J Coryea 4/27/99
- High
Tide - D. Rees 4/4/99
RE: High Tide - D. Rees 4/15/99
- Hydro
Bomb - D. Bryan - 4/4/99
- No Energy For You - K. Stearns 4/4/99
- Rain
Dance - C. Chansey 4/4/99
- Rain
Dance Haven - Will 4/8/99
- Total Elimination - C. Playo 4/4/99
- Energy Explosion - S.Mcdougal
- Super Energy Removal - E. Lancer
- Rainstorm
- G. Branham 4/10/99
- Water
Works - P. Miller 4/11/99
- Winter -
G. Branham 4/10/99
- Turbo Blastoise - P. Bryan 4/27/99
- Ash AOD III - A. Marnell 4/10/99
- Beginner Deck - Rehd - 4/26/99
- Giants Forest Deck - B.Weaver 4/26/99
- The Overpowering Overgrowth
Deck - P.Healy 4/15/99
- Venoking - S. Sachs 4/29/99
- Chansey's
Day Out - P. Zap 4/4/99
- Total Devastation - YJC - 4/7/99
- Fast Breeder II - B. Tran 4/3/99
- Where's the Energy? - J. Hallam
- Forest Fire - M. Struhar 4/25/99
- Lightning Burn - J. Marshbanks
- RedPsyShocked - J. Kent 4/2/99
- Tofu Is Disgusting - R. Wagoner
- Firebolt - J. Kuan 4/3/99
- Thunder Flare - E. Chiu
- 4/11//99
- Electric Fire - Dream 4/15/99
- Thunderbolt - S. Sachs 4/29/99
- Living on the Edge - P.Kirwan 4/3/99
- Fire Fist - A. Li 4/2/99
- Mother Nature - J. Tan
- Fire Punch - J. Dailey 4/23/99
- Flaming Psy Beam - D. Duncan 4/4/99
- Psy Flare - R. Wagoner 4/4/99
Psychotic Sea - E. Mitz 4/3/99
- Psychic Splash - B. Freed 4/7/99
- Psyschic Tsunami! Steve 4/10/99
- PsySea - T. DeLaTorre 4/18/99
- Aquatic Psychotic Ambush -
W.Krammy - 4/21/99
- Alamo - Miller 4/30/99
- Hydro-Jab - Moogman 4/10/99
- Water Grass Killer Deck - J.Antonucci
- Deathblower - K. Nguyen 4/7/99
- 2 Good 2 B True - V.Kirwan 4/6/99
- Hurricane Plague - TP 4/12/99
- Charizard Killer - Cromwell 4/23/99
- Evolutionary Dominance - 4/23/99
- Poisonous Goalie Hwing 4/25/99
- Ultra-Overgrowth Deck J Woods
- Burning Water! - J. Collins 4/10/99
- 5 Stars - RB 4/12/99
- PokeSteamer - Toolsevar 4/15/99
- Opposites Attract J. Shilts 4/18/99
- Boiling Water - I. Aptaker -
- Colorless
Chaos - S. Odonell 4/7/99
- Electric
Eel - R. Bandelin 4/7/99
- Hydro Electric Plant - Moran
Thunder Storm - N. Nguyen 4/29/99
- Psychic Assault - SG 4/3/99
- Sleeping Sting - D. Hsieh 4/6/99
- Bad Moon - D.M. 4/12/99
- Psychic Punch - LM - 4/23/99
- Pokemon S.W.A.T - Ruffryderz 4/26/99
- Abra's Revenge - B. Mateo - 4/29/99
- HitmonShock - P. Murray - 4/4/99
- 4 Scoops of Himonchan - C.
Dennis 4/12/99
- Double K.O. - Muerte 4/10/99
- MaChampions - J. Bond 4/22/99
- The Wrath of Zues - R. Mead 4/29/99
- Evolution is King J
- 4/7/99
- The Virus
- C. Hunter 4/7/99
- The Pyschotic Grass Deck - D. Halk
- 4/7/99
- Sugar Daddies - C. Wren 4/7/99
- Smokin' the grass - K. Crawford
- RE: Smokin' the grass - K.
Crawford 4/23/99
- 2 Goods Back - V. Kirwan 4/21/99
- Zapode - J. Roswurm 4/2/99
Make 'em Cry - J. Saxman 4/20/99
Electropsy - Mracek 4/26/99
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