Card Game - Killer Deck Tourney Reports
May 1999
5.26.99 - We
are getting too many people not following the deck submittal rules. If you submit a deck,
remember to follow them, or your deck will be Snorlax dung! Starting in June, only
reports from DCI sanctioned tourneys will be posted. Get your store to run DCI
sanctioned events.
DECK Reports For May
- Farmonchampio
- E. Judd 5/2/99
- RE:
Farmonchampio - E. Judd 5/3/99
- Jeff's K.A.Fighting Deck -
Jeff 5/10/99
- pWo Power - Domschot -
- pWo
Power - DomSchot -5/21/99
- Deck of Pain - Balsic - 5/21/99
- Pokemon Power Slam - Brad K
- Mono Fighting - Becker 5.26.99
- Venom - MT 5/5/99
- White Lightning - D.
Donovan 5/5/99
- White
Lightning II - Donovan 5/13/99
- MONO-FLAMES! P Tartaglio 5/5/99
- Oh
Burned! - Shafron - 5/18/99
- Burnt - Chou - 5/21/99
- Whirlpool - J. Ross 5/18/99
- Ultimate Removal Deck - Judd
- The Death of Charizard -
Martini 5/21/99
- Overflow - J.H. - 5/21/99
- Tidal
Wave - NZ - 5/21/99
- Killer Psycho Deck - C.
Burgess 5/5/99
- Aaron Nowick's KA Deck
- Hocus Pocus - Joe - 5.25.99
- The
Incredibly Infamous Multicolor Deck - Tarrojo 5/599
- Thunder
Storm - N. Nguyen 5/3/99
- The poliWRATH of Zapdos
- NHoag 5/18/99
- Thunder Wave - Branham -
- Brainwasher X - Xaq Shenor
- Fighting Bass - Larson 5/21/99
- Soak when they're down
- Prochaska 5/21/99
- Fury - Cromwell - 5/21/99
- Da Bomb - Champman -
- Hard Ice - Hsu - 5.25.99
- Staller Destroyer - Zuniga -
- Aqua-Chop - Garard 5.26.99
- Hydro-Punch - Branham
- Poison - Mad 5/10/99
- Seaweed - Frederick 5/10/99
- The Ultimate Deck
- Roberts 5/21/99
- Toxic Wave - M Garcia 5/18/99
- Cool Deck - Robillard - 5.25.99
- Boiling Water - c.
Johnson 5/10/99
- River of Fire - R. Mansour
- 5/10/99
- Steam - Van 5/21/99
- Flaming Water - 5/21/99
- Black Acid - Danna 5.26.99
- Double K.O. MK III - DW 5/5/99
- Electric/Fighting - Madafox 5/10/99
- Punching Your Shocked Mind
- Judd - 5/10/99
- Hiro-Shoten-Ha Deck Eckhard -
- Quick Strike - Resnick - 5.25.99
- K.O. Coliseum - Storey 5.26.99
- Purple Fighting Deck - Laurel
- 5/10/99
- Psy K.O. - Robby 5/18/99
- The Strategy Deck -
Schofield 5/21/99
- Razor Punch - McDonnel -
- Trees with Thunderbolts -
Tucker 5/10/99
- Basic Beatdown MT 5/5/99
Basic Beatdown MT 5/13/99
- Psychic Electric - Paul 5/18/99
- Psychic Electric - Henning 5/21/99
- Spoon Up - Bean 5/21/99
- Zapsy - Rodin 5/21/99
- ElectroPsyPuncher - Decker
- The Booster Deck -
McDermott - 5/13/99
- Forest Fire - Lind - 5/18/99
- Burn the Grass - Marble
- 5/25/99
- Cheap Winner - Slate 5/18/99
- Fighting the
Fire - Camp 5/21/99
- Satanic
Ash - 5.26.99
- Ninechu - JS - 5/18/99
- Electrical Fire
Pit (EFP)-David Navratil 5/25/99
- Burning Thoughts -
Diaz - 5.25.99
- The Eye of the Storm -
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