Card Game - Killer Deck Tourney Reports June 1999
Remember ... all decks must meet the PoJo's requirements to merit
posting. Have you read them? We are getting
more critical on these.
- Rain
Dance - RTD - 6.1.99
- Rain Dance -
Lowenstein 6.1.99
- Rain
Dance - David - 6.21.99
- Waterlogged - Carpenter -
- Rain Drops keep falling on my head
- Parker - 6.10.99
- Machampsey
- Harris - 6.7.99
- King of all beatdowns -
P.K. - 6.7.99
Whack Deck -
Ertai - 6.21.99
- Pokemon Forest -
Trainer - 6.7.99
- Colorless
Grass - Barron - 6-24-99
- Sweetheart
Deck - Joe - 6-24-99
- Purple
Heart Deck - Moran - 6.7.99
- Cheaper
or better than that Metwo deck! Link 6.10.99
- Psychic
Extinction - Rosendahl - 6.10.99
- Mystical Massacre - ?? - 6.15.99
- Mono Psychic - Brian - 6.15.99
- Jump Start - Long - 6.10.99
- The Great Combo Deck - Judd -
- Speedrill - Bob - 6.7.99
- Psyshock - Shadow - 6.10.99
- Raichakazamchan - Kahn
- Zappin' Away
Damage - Ray - 6-21-99
- Fists of Fire - jack
Smith - 6-7-99
- The Boxers of
Hell - Amy - 6.15.99
- Killing Starter -
Jonathon - 6.15.99
- The Pokemon Party Deck - The
PoJo - 6.8.99
- Quick-Strike - HW - 6.10.99
- Fireshock - Hall -
- Burning Grass -
Firecure - 6.15.99
- Death Deck - Joseph -
- Psycho
Burn - ME - 6-21-99
- TidalShock-T. Thompson - 6.1.99
- Energy Wave - Dyer -
- Shockwave - B.W. - 6.7.99
- A
possible chance for Thunder Storms - Aquino - 6.21.99
- Combo Rain Dance - DB -
- Blue Vines - McHaney - 6.15.99
- Dewgong
Power - Patrick Sarmiento - 6.10.99
- Hydro Flare - Sheik 6.15.99
- Icy Flames - ? - 6.15.99
- Grape Kool-Aid - Mana 6.10.99
- Blastmonchampsey
- Chiapr - 6.21.99
- Haymaker -
Dan Mayo - 6.1.99
- Haymaker - Judd - 6.1.99
- Haymaker
- Kahn - 6.21.99
- Haymaker
- Kahn - 6-24-99
- Zappin
Away Damage - Ray - 6.21.99
- Farmonbuzz - Ryan - 6.7.99
- Farmonbuzz2 - Ryan - 6.15.99
- Farmonbuzz3
- Ryan - 6-21-99
Farmonbuzz4 - Ryan - 6-24-99
- Haymaker - azzolini - 6.7.99
- ThunderPunch - Tommy 6.7.99
- Hiyro-Shoten-Ha Deck - Chipmunk
- 6.8.99
- I took a
tourney - Chipmunk - 6.15.99
- Haymaker - Rickim - 6.10.99
- Evolution Troubles? - TW - 6.10.99
- You got no Chansey
In Hell - Rodriguez - 6.15.99
- Classy Cat Deck
- MW - 6.21.99
- You got no Chansey
in Hell! - ? - 6.7.99
- Black-Eyed - Dube - 6.10.99
- Meditating Punches -
Antonucci - 6.10.99
- The Fighting Mind - ?? - 6.15.99
clejynx -
Stefan - 6.18.99
- Haymaker
Mix-Up - 6-24-99
- A colorless Deck - T. - 6.1.99
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