The Dream Draft:
What to look for in your next Skyridge draft.
Ah, drafts. One of the funner tournament formats out there. Keep what you
take, and you get a chance to play stuff your normally wouldn’t. And who
knows; you may discover a card is good you never thought to be useable
before. Between my three leagues, this week and last, I’ve participated in 3
drafts (what, do they wanna break my wallet right before EX comes out?). I
had a great time at all of them, taking 1st place in two of them and 2nd in
the other one. Seeing what I drafted, what others drafted, and what worked
and what didn’t, I thought I’d share a bit of what I think would be good
cards for you to try drafting. I’m not basing this on you rare-drafting,
that’s simple; if it’s shinny, snag it >_<. These are what you wanna take if
you wanna win!
Venomoth: This guy is great. Uncommon, 70hp, free retreat, a splashable
attack for decent damage and flip for ANY status you want? Way too good.
Take him early if you see him, and hope for Venonats.
Beedrill: True, he is a rare stage 2, but if you get him, he’s broken, plain
and simple. Colorless attack, free retreat, power that does double status
and solid weedle and kakuna lines. If you are able to run it, you could very
well have the tournament in the bag.
Ledian: Really nice: 50 straight, and you don’t have to worry about an
reduction or anything. Two hits and 90% of the time it’ll be a prize for
you. Also, the 50hp ledyba is really solid.
Heracross: A nice high hp basic that does decent damage and really deals it
out when he’s hurt. Good pick.
Zubat: I mean the one with 50 hp. In my opinion, this is the best Zubat
we’ve gotten so far. Damage and auto poison. ‘Nuff said.
Arcainine: It does work. You’ll most likely be running 2 colors, so his big
attack won’t hurt as bad. 70 when you need it is awesome. Then keep using
shake as you power back up to make it hard to attack him. Nice card.
Growlith: Awesome. Fire’s new wooper =D Splashable, nice attack and 50 hp. I
actually one the final match with him.
Flareon: It’s a rare, but it’s a darn solid one. It’s second attack is
completely splashable, and if you do have some fire on him, he can do more.
Also auto-burn is nice, and the power helps to counter the all powerful
special conditions. Nice.
Dewgong: Very nice card. His second attack will be doing about 50-60 a turn.
THAT is powerful here. If you see him, take him. Even if you don’t get
enough seel’s to support him, he can be pretty nice in a normal deck.
Rocket’s Training Gym =D
Gyrados: True, magikarp is weak, but if you get this guy out, it’s basically
lights out for your opponent. Fifty a turn, or 100 with enough damage on
him? Your looking at him taking at least half of your prizes. And the power
can slow your opponent down even more.
Piloswine: The water version of course. 20 and auto status is great, plus
his second attack can be nice and is very splashable. Second place in one of
the drafts combined this guy with his fighting counterpart. Lucky for me he
was weak to me.
Vaporeon: Auto sleep, the power and the Aqua Trick can slow down your
opponent pretty well. Nice card.
Starmie: Water Gun is good, Core Blast won’t be used too much but can still
do good against the bounce energy, and 80 hp is sweet. Plus he’s uncommon,
not rare.
Jolteon: All of the Eeveelolutions are good in draft. Jolteon can mean bench
damage to your opponent. Nice.
Raichu: Powerful attacks. Sure he can hurt himself, but your opponent takes
a much heavier beating.
Piloswine: So powerful here. Uncommon, 80 hp, and he does MAJOR damage.
Averages 70 a turn on his second attack, and you don’t pay for tails flips;
you only take self damage when you deal out the extra damage.
Machamp: If you get him out, you basically have the game. Hurricane Punch is
awesome, you can get all those colorless benched guys out, his power means
no status, and he has a maxed-out 120 hp. The only thing that can really
beat him is the Alakazam.
Dugtrio: The Agility effect on the first attack is great, and he can do
thirty wherever he wants. Nice pick if your running fighting.
Alakazam: REALLY strong. His splashable Psychic attack is just too good
here. He’ll usually be doing 50 a turn, mabey even more. And the Abra and
Kadabra are all splashable and solid as well.
Xatu: Not bad at all. He works here pretty well, and his attacks are energy
efficient. Colorless attack that can get back what little card drawing
you’re able to draft. Nice pick.
Haunter: Really, really solid. Put ‘em to sleep AND do damage, and if they
stay asleep, dream eater for a big 50. 70 hp is also solid, and the Gastly
isn’t bad either. Great pick.
Raticate: He’s splashable, has low energy attacks that do good damage, 70
hp, and the rattatata can paralyze. He truly is one of the best draft cards
around. Take him fast.
Wigglytuff: Not as powerful as the original, this guy is nice in draft. 2
energies for a chance at 60 is pretty good, and with high hp to boot.
Snorlax: While he’s slow and has a high retreat, Snorlax can KO anything
with a little luck, and he is all colorless. Nice card.
Try some of these cards in your next draft. They really are some of the
better ones. Some cards, like farfetch’d, are good but were not mentioned.
If they look like they would goo well with the above cards, try em out.
Above all, drafts aren’t about prizes, there about FUN. So have some!
The Pokemaster1110
Brian Stevenson
The Poke`mon Master 1110