ok,i'm here to tell u about the best pokemon family around (in the card game),
pidgey family. I know what your thinking charazard and his family  is better,
well your wrong. let's start with pidgey i'll etmit she isn't the best but she
can ___
the opinit for up to three turn (by using whirlwind) plus she deals ten damage.
next pigeotto, is amazing she has the option of either overpowering the oposing
pokemon or sending it to the bench with whirlwind (which also deals 20 damage).
next the number one contender for the king of all pokemon (the king is
jigglypuff so e-mail me if u want to argue) pidgeot. once she does whirlwind
she can beat any pokemon (exept for jigglypuff or wigglytuff).

a kid , cam_gray@hotmail.com