Dear Pojo,
I have been playing the Pokemon Trading Card Game since it
came out.I have
also been watching your site since it came out.I am not one of those people
that think Charizard is the best.Here are my top five cards.
1.Chansey-He rocks!!For two energys he can use scrunch.Then
if your game is
going bad you can have him double-edge for a almost always quick win.
2.Vileplume-Okay I know he is a stage two and thats not good,but he is worth
the wait.he can half the time heal your Pokemon and with Alakazm he is almost
unbeatable!His attack is really good too.
3.Kangaskhan-He is great when you need a certain card late in the game if you
don't have any bill's.If you build him up on the bench you can bring him out
for his great attack.
4.Hitmonchan-he is a very good fighting Pokemon.His attacks don't cost a whole
lot of energy and they do a lot of damage.
5.I have a tie for this one
Scyther-A good card to build up on your bench.You can have him use Swords Dance
and bring slash up to sixty damage and K.O. almost any weak Pokemon.His retreat
cost is great too.
Alakazm-His attack his pretty good because it does a fair amount of damage,plus
it might confuse!Damage Swap is very helpful too because itcan sort off heal a
guy,and when you use it with Vileplume things get crazy!
So thats my list.
Tom "Poff" Seidl