It's AerisVII, and it's about 3:42 now where I am-I wonder when I'll be
done with this... oh well... Please post this message up, as I think it's
pretty good.
Moltres is a very good pokemon. First of all, he comes out with 70 hp,
making him a bit of a staller when nesessary. His Pokemon Power is great
in stall decks, because it destroys opponent's cards, and with Gastly,
you can suck the energy back up, making the deck even tougher to break.
Look at this combo from my Deep Freeze deck:
4 Abra
3 Kadabra
1 Alakazaam
3 Chansey
4 Moltres
4 Gastly (fossil)
4 Scoop up
Isn't that an awesome combo? Moltres dumps the opponents cards out, and
Gastly sucks your energy back! Alakazaam then swaps the damage to
Chansey(s), until the opponent's deck it toasted. and if the chansey's
can't handle more damage, just scoop them up, and then they'll act as
new!, Try it- I promise you'll like it ^_^
Good luck in the future
Dan "AerisVII" Murphy
PS. i'm taking a break on writing, more to come later
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