Hey to all you fine poeple at the Pojo . Could ya please put this in the
strategy section of you site . You guys are cool .
Delita's Top Ten
10. Pokemon Center-It can be used quite efectively in a Venusaur of damage
swap deck
9. Scoop Up-Fully heal damaged basics. Would be higher on the list but it
only really works in Haymakers and Damage Swaps .
8. Pokemon Breeder-Slap a Blastoise right on top of a Squirtle
7. Energy Removal-annoying card. Can stall for time but is mostly just
6. Energy Retrieval-In energy crisis this card is priceless
5. Pokemon Trader-a pokemon in the hand is worth one in the deck
4. Item Finder-Lets you reuse any trainer
3. Gust of Wind-Okay so this card is common : so what. This card wins games
2. Professor Oak-Got a sorry hand, throw it away and get a new one
1. Computer Search-Gets you any card you want . I heard this card was
outlawed in Japan, I see why
10. Kangaskhan-One of the greatest stallers. He gets you an extra card each
turn and does decent
9. Jynx-Doubles the damage on the defending pokemon then does 20 damage .
8. Wigglytuff-This pokemon will get you out of so many jams with lullaby .
Do the wave also does nice damage .
7. Charizard-Great heavy hitter, he is just too expensive
6. Ninetales-Does 160 damage in the time it takes Charizard to do 100
5. Mr. Mime-King of the stallers . His attack is okay too
4. Scyther-a basic with 70HP, a 30 damage colorless attack, a free retreat
cost, and resistance to
Fighting. Need I say more.
3. Hitmonchan-Fast heavy hitter. Think of how much damage this guy can do
in the time it takes to get a
Charizard up and ready.
2. Blastoise-Great heavy hitter with a nice pokemon power . But you all
knew that .
1. Venusaur-Okay the same as Blastoise. I almost called it a tie between
these two, but I think Venusaur
has a better pokemon power .
If you insist on arguing (except over the blastoise venusaur thing I told
you people it was close okay) then
email me at Delita@ivebeenframed.com
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