Hi Pojo! I am writing about one of the BEST cards ever, Fossil edition
Magmar. Lets look at this great card....
Stage- Basic
Smoke Screen (1 Fire)- 10 Damage: If your opponent tries to attack you next
turn, flip a coin. If tails the attack does nothing.
Smog (2 Fire)- 20 Damage: Flip a coin. If heads, your opponents pokemon is
Resistance- None
Retreat- 1 Energy
Now, why is fossil Magmar so good? Well, first are it's low
attacks. sure, they don't do much damage, but with smokescreen you can avoid
50% of damage done to him. Poison, a rare skill for fire types, is really
annoying. With the host of fighting resistant Pokemon in fossil expansion,
Magmar makes a great replacement for Hitmonchan in Haymakers. His retreat is
also a good trait. Also he can get past Mime and cause 30 damage (smog). The
only disadvantage is that he requires fire energy to attack. He is by far the
best scyther killer around and competes with Ninetails as one of the best
fire Pokemon. These are the reasons that the new Magmar is one of the best
Agreements? Contradictions?
E-mail me at Patb9@aol.com