These are by far the ten best cards in the game..... drumroll please.
10. Aerodactyl
not much of an attacker but flatteneds any nonhaymaker deck.
9. Double Colorless Energy
great for bouncing back from energy removals (provided your
guy takes
energy), great for launching unsuspected powerful
8. Alakazam
average attacks, but one of the most strategic cards in the
7. Electabuzz
wonderful HP and attacks, but a bad weakness.
6. Haunter fossil
standard hp for a psychic, but no retreat cost and that
pokemon power
make him nearly invincible
5. Hitmonchan
good attacks for low energy and the Hp to go with it
4. Chansey
i know every one things he's horrible, but he's good with
colorless. if you need two kills to win, energize him and send him
battle. not many pokemon can survive double edge
3. Super Energy removal
one of the most devasting cards in the game, period. only a
handful of
cards aren't affected by it
2. Scyther
works wonders in any deck, especially one with a lot of
weakness to
fighting. it has the best rating in every category: no retreat
colorless energy, and 70 HP.
1. Wigglytuff
do the wave is a devasting attack, especially if there are a
few basics
in your deck. and with 80 HP and guaranteed sleep, he's
perfect. also if
you have a full bench and a double colorless energy, he
can do sixty on
the second trun without a breeder
5 Worst cards in the game
5. devolution spray
oh gee i think i destroy my evolutions.. .joy!
4. clefairy
its evolution is great but this is as weak as a magikarp.
i've had first
turn kills against these things with my hitmonchan
3. Snorlax
good pokemon power, but's what's with theese energy costs.
four to attack
or retreat. uh-uh
2. Magneton
bad attacks for too much energy.
1. Ditto
i don't like his pokemon power, especially because its stops
working when
but to sleep, paralyzed or confused.
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