Hey, Pojo! I love your site and I want to send you a top ten list.Here it
   10.Poliwrath-I love this card! I play a raindance deck and whorlpool
kicks!Water gun is almost as good as hydro-pump
9.Dugtrio-this card rocks! Earthquake is a bit expensive,but slash is
8.Dragonite-the best colourless pokemon.Slam,like earthquake is a bit
expensive, but it's usually worth it.
7.Machamp-his power rocks! seismic- toss is sort of  decent but strikes
back is awesome!
6.Ninetales-Lure out a card that your opponent is stacking energies  on and
5.Dewgong-Ice-beam is very expensive,but aurora beam KICKS!
4.Charizard-highest hit points in the game! Fire spin takes a while but who
would bring out an energyless Charizard in the first place?!?!
3.Venusaur-I like the pokemon power but not as good as #1
2.Arcanine-your probably thinking I'm an idiot but he rules!100hp for a
stage 1 is  AWESOME!
1.drum roll please... I said drum roll!!!!!!! O.K the #1 pokecard
BLASTOISE!!!!! the best pokemon power in the game!Hydro pump is very
expensive but how do you beat RAINDANCE?!?!
                        See you later
                                             -$cott Collier-