I hope that some people will agree with me on my choices. And also these
are are in no particular order.
1.Blastoise is one of the greatest cards. You can power him up with
energies, and destroy in a few short turns. He also works extremely well
with super energy removal and Professor Oak.
2.Hitmonchan is one of the most superior basics out their. He is able to
run off of 1 energy, and his attack ratio is good. I dont know if anyone
has ever thought of this theory, but i think i am the first to mention it.
Like divide 40 damage, done by Hitmonchans Special Punch by 3, you get
13.333 damage per energy. Try using this technique for building decks.
3. Alakazaam. There should be one in every psychic deck. One of the most
annoying cards, he can stay alive, of make ANYONE stay alive for a long
time. Swap damage to Chansey, Kangaskhan, or Snorlax, and scoop them up.
Also spead the damage out on the bench.
4. Kangaskhan. I love this guy. He works really good with a pokedex or bill
or anything like that. Fetch gets you cards, and comet punch is pretty good
too. His hp is very high for a basic pokemon as well.
5. Fossil Magmar. This is in the group of best uncommons, including
Dewgong and Farfetch'd. Awesome hp, a retreat cost of one, smog is great,
and so is smokescreen.
Those are some of my favorite cards. I know alot of you guys think i
should put Charizard on the list, but he is definitely the worst
holographic card ever, except Victreebell. I know his hp is good but thats
it. Retreat is bad, attack, and everything is just bad. Wel now I'll list
the 5 best trainers!In no particular order of course.
1. Bill. One thing. Card Drawing Power.
2. Professor Oak. This will give you a fresh start all over again.
3. Super Energy Removal and Energy Removal. This will trip your opponent up
so bad its not funny. Start your turn out, and then finish out with a Super
Energy Removal, to make your opponent want to scream.
4. Scoop Up. Is your Kangaskhan dying? Scoop him up to deny your opponent
of a prize. Also works well with a super energy removal. Use all you super
energy removasls with the energy from your Kangaskhan or whatever, then
Scoop it Up.
5. Item Finder. Do you need a trainer that you just used? get it back with
this card.
Ok.Maybe some of you think there should be others on here, but live with
it. these are just personal opinion. The worst trainer definitely is
Devolutin Spray. It is the suckiest card ever made.
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