Pojo please put this single card(s) evaluation up. It's called
RE: the best of the best by cam
Fire: Without a question charizard is the best fire pokemon. 120
hp with
a 100 fire spin in it';s arsenal.
Runner up:Arcanine for it's hp and power
Grass: Hard decission but I think that exeggutor is da best. good
hp and the coolest attack (Big Exeplosion). Teleport is cool aswell.
runner up: scyther, venusaur, and vileplume
Water:Gyarados because he can kill ANYTHING.
rummer up:Blaistoise all around good.
fighting: Hitmonchan because it can give out the damage very
runner up: machamp for all around goodness.
Electrick: Raichu I like his agility. His other attack is good
for small pokemon.
runner up:electabuzz
Psychic: Alakazam bexause of the best pokemon power.
runner up: Mr.mime for another amaazing pokemon power.
colorless:jigglypuff nerly unstopable.
runner up: Pidgeot
cam gray wrote this article e-mail him at cam_gray@hotmail.com
ghastly rules!!!