
      I would like to talk about a new fossil pokemon (that i recently
recieved). When I play the game I like to defend while building up my bench
with pokemon like Ninetales, Flareon, Vaporeon, and Poliwrath! (You can
probably tell I use a fire/water deck!)

Well let's get back to Articuno. First let's look at the stats:

(Basic Pokemon) Articuno
70 HP
W W W: Freeze Dry - Flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokemon is now
W W W W: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your
opponet's benched Pokemon. If tails, this attack does 10 damage to each of
your owned benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched
Weakness: NONE!
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat Cost: -2

What's Good! (Pros)
-First off no need to evolve!
-High HP! (I love the Legendary Birds!)
-While I am using Squirtles Bubble and Paralyzing, I build up Articuno then
Freeze ----Dry and the Paralyze! (If you don't know why 30 damage seems to be
more helpful then 10!) Then build up other big guns while stalling!
-Blizzard! Four water Energies with 50 damage plus 50% chance of 10 damage to
Beched Pokemon!
-No Weakness! (I love the Legendary Birds!)
-Resistance to Fighting! (Sorry Hitmonchan and Machop!)
-So so retreat cost!

What's Bad (Cons)
-Blizzard- 50% chance of doing 10 damage to all beched Pokemon!

Please Send comments to <A HREF="ZSnowTiger@aol.com">ZSnowTiger@aol.com</A>!