By Nick McIntosh (Mcbud)
How To: Use Vulpix
Don't get me wrong. Vulpix s-u-c-k-s. His evolution rocks (I have
Ninetales, but only 3 or 4 in my deck). But you haven't drawn Ninetales,
and your bench is full of crappy Majikarp or Porygon. Or, all you have is
Vulpix. Well, what you do is you Confuse ray. 2 Fire for 10 damage
doesn't sound at all great, but it can confuse, and personally, that is my
2nd favorite. Vulpix should not have to worry about serious trouble until
it has 30 damage on it, and if you have Potion, Super Potion, and Pokemon
Center in your deck, you shouldn't worry. Just don't put in Vulpix without
Ninetales, okay? :-)