Note to Pojo & Readers: I know I do a lot of Japanease Pokemon Cards, but I
just can't really do much on American Pokemon TCG Cards. So, bear with me.
    { A man in a lab coat stands in front of you.}
    Prof. Salvador: Hello. I know your wondering were Prof. Jb Wolf is. He
should be here in a few minutes.
    {Suddenly, a blinding flash of light fill the room. Prof. Wolf and Mewtwo
step out of the light.}
    Prof. Salvador: Ah, there they are now.
    Prof. Wolf: Hello all you Pokemanics!
    Mewtwo: Greetings Pojo Readers.
    Prof. Wolf: I know your probably wondering why were not on Cinnabar
Island today.  Its because my friend here, Prof. Jon Salvador, is well versed
in NEO Cards, and today I wanted to talk about the starting Water-Type Family
in the NEO Set: The Wanin-something.
    Prof. Salvador: Waninoko.
    Prof. Wolf: Yeah that.
    {Prof. Salvador goes over to a computer and types something in.}
    Mewtwo: Hey, whats that?
    {He points at the computer.}
    Prof. Salvador: Sort of a bigger version of the Pokemon TCG 2000.
    Mewtwo: Oh.
    {The screen shows the three Water-Type Pokemon.}
     C: Leer
    Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, as long as this card remains Active, the
opponent can't attack next turn. (Benching either Pokemon ends this effect.)
    W: Fury Swipes - 10x
    Effect: Flip 3 coins. For each heads deal 10 damage.
    Weakness: G
    Retreat: -C

    Prof. Wolf: Now this card is a great. 50HP will make sure it stays out
there long enough to evolve. Leer is also a great stall tactic. Oh, and the
Grass weakness is make it one of the few Water Pokemon that have weakness to
    Mewtwo: Fury Swipes is good attack it can do 30, 20, 10, or 0, so you
have a 25% chance of getting either. So, thats pretty good.
    Prof. Salvador: Now lets see the Stage 1 evolution

    C: Screech
    Effect: On your and your opponents turns, attacks do 20 more damage if
they already do damage.
    WWC: Swallow - 30
    Effect: On your opponent's next turn, as long as this card remains
Active, the Defending Pokemon must remain Active. (Unless its Knocked Out.)
    Weakness: G
    Retreat: -CC

    Prof. Wolf: 70HP makes this a great Stage 1 and Screech is pretty good,
though the opponent might be able to defeat Arigeitsu the turn after you use
    Mewtwo: Screech will also make Swallow do 50 instead of 30, so its worth
the risk.
    Prof. Salvador: Onto the Stage 2 evoulution.

    Pokemon Power: Roughouse
    Effect: Use this Power only when Odairu comes into play from your hand.
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent must discard 5 cards from the top of
their deck. If tails, you must discard 5 cards from the top of your deck.
    WWWW: Tidal Wave - 50+
    Effect: This attack does 10 more damage for each Water Energy in your
discard pile. After this attack, take all of the Water Energy in your discard
pile and shuffle them into your deck.
    Weakness: G
    Retreat: -CCC

    Prof. Wolf: Now, like Fossil Gengar, this Pokemon's Pokemon Power was
made for the attack. Couple this with a Raindance deck and Roughouse discards
either the top 5 cards of the opponent's deck or your deck. Either way its
great. Raindance means you usually get lots of Water Energy, so the chances
are that your top 5 cards are Water Energy.
    Mewtwo: Then you can use Tidal Wave to do 100 damage! Then you get to
shuffle them back in your deck, so it even keeps Energy Denial Decks off
Raindance Decks, like it really needed it.
    Prof. Salvador: And don't forget, you can pay the high retreat cost of
all the Beefy Pokemon without a drawback.
    Prof. Wolf: Well thats it, until next time.
    Mewtwo, Prof. Wolf, Prof. Salvador: See ya!!!!!

    Prof. Jb Wolf & Mewtwo