Hi. I'd like to compare two similar cards
that really help in areas with raindances and haymakers- lass and Team
rocket's Suprise attack (team rocket's big sister).
Lass- you and your opponent show each other your
hands and shuffle your trainer cards into your decks.
Team Rocket's Big sister- look at your opponents
hand and choose a trainer card. shuffle it into your opponents deck.
lass gets rid of ALL trainers but it gets rid of
yours as well. Team rocket's big sister has only your opponent show
their hand and you dont get rid of any of your trainers, but only one card???
Personally, I think lass is the more powerful mistress. A 90%
chance of being trainerless (your opponent draws a card, remember) is much
better than not seeing one card(that may just come back). They're both
great cards though. i think I might take out one of my three lasses in
my wiggly deck for my Team rockets suprise attack( i got two boosters, one had
a suprise attack and the other a 1ST ED. HOLO HERE COMES TEAM ROCKET!!!!)
That's all for now! LATER! (in case you
havent noticed i am nuts about team rocket at the time)