"Hello once again"? You've been here before? If you have, you've probably noticed me. Hi, I'm the Whether Man, and for the next ten minutes I'm mopping the floor with your article.
        You're using the point system? And you say you've been here before? Sorry, buddy, but I'm willing to bet that at least two other people are going to respond to your article saying it sucks. (Not too far from the truth!) You understand that they don't work, don't you? No? Well, time for a higher education! Point systems don't work, period. End of story. I'll leave it up to the other people who respond to these crappy articles to tell you why, because I'm tired of all the work needed to get through the thick skulls of people like you, and then find that they're empty.
        I never got the obsession with Mew. He isn't that good. "His psywave attack does great against Rain Dance." No it doesn't! Wow, you can do 10x damage. Well, big surprise, you only have 50HP. I only need 3-5 energy to destroy you. Before you even land your puny attack, I'll annihilate you. NOW WHO'S THE BEST CARD? You mention Devolution Beam as being good against Rain Dance.  You need Aerodactyl, or else your opponent is just going to evolve that pokemon again. And by the way, people who play Rain Dance are running Wartortle again, so you won't be able to devolve Blastoise into Squirtle as much. Oh, and by the way, what if your opponent plays another deck? (Explosion sounds in the distance.)
        Okay, now you've insulted Mewtwo. I'd move to another country if I were you. For one thing, Mewtwo is considered to be broken. So, if he's considered near broken, why exactly is anyone using him in a comparison? Won't he just win all of them? Okay, how can anyone say Mewtwo's first attack isn't good? It allows you to retrieve cards, how is that bad? Mewtwo is the best attacking card that Psychic has to offer, don't insult him.
        Okay, so that just about wraps it up. Oh wait, I almost forgot. (Whether Man throws an energyball at Tom.) I've always wanted to do that.
                           -The Whether Man & Whether Crew
PS: What's with everybody being named Dr. or Mr. on the Pojo all of a sudden?