This my card (really, set) review for Neo. If ound that Neo gives strange
ideas, making it the best (and worst) set that's been released since Base
Pikachu-Agility is really nice, especially since he doesn't have to evolve
to get it. 50 HP doesn't hurt either. Overall, it does beat most of the
other Pikachu, so I'll give it 3.5/5
Clefairy-Bleh. I do not like Double Slap. But Everyone Dance does have its
uses. Not really the best, but still good. 3/5
Oddish-Bleh. Don't like this one either. If you're going to use Oddish, use
the Rocket one. 2/5
Gloom-I like it. Strange Powder is very useful, and Sticky Liquid can help
out a if you get the energy out. 3.5/5
Slowpoke-Come on. I think Media Factory could have thought of something more
original. But still, it's better then the Rocket and Fossil ones. I give it
Onix-A very interesting combo can be set up with him. Disgusting
Sound+opponents attack+Rage=Massive damage.Could have used more HP though.
Horsea-Bleh. They could have done much better. 2/5
Seadra-There's some nice, cheap attacks there. And with Dragon Hold's
possible 1 Energy to 2 damage ratio, he gets very nice. 4/5
Electabuzz-Bleh. If you're going to play Buzz, play best set. 2.5/5
Magmar-I'm not too sure about this guy. He's like a Fire Hitmonchan, but his
first attack does need a DCE. But then again, he's still capable of fast
damage. 4/5
Chikoriita-I don't like Tackle, and Reflect doesn't that much good since it
only has 40 HP. 2.5/5
Beiriifu-Don't like him. Sweet Scent really isn't that good, and Double
Razor Leaf takes long to charge up. He might work if SER was banned like it
was in Japan. 3/5
Meganiumu-WOW! He's what makes the entire Chikriita line worth it..
Luxurious Growth is amazing, and Aroma Sleep makes it even better. Expect to
see Meganiumu decks spring up when Neo comes out. 4.5/5
Hinoarashi-A nice basic. Would be better if Burn didn't have the possible
energy discard, but it can still work. 3/5
Magumarashi-Ew! Smokescreen has it's uses, but what's up with Scorch? 30
damage with a  25% percent chance of doing 20 more? Just give us the 50! 3/5
Bakufuun-It's Pokemon Power could have its uses, but I don't like Burst
Flame. Maybe if SER was banned, but not now. 3/5
Waninoko-Hmm... Leer could help it live long enough to evolve, but don't
count on Fury Swipes that much. 3/5
Arigetisu-Disgusting sound works if you're still charging it up, but it's
not nearly as good as it was on Onix. Hold Back is really what makes
Arigetish shine. 4/5
Oodairu-Wow! Violent defense is VERY nice, if you get the heads. Tails, and
you say good bye to the top 5 cards of your deck. Rage Fang also has its
uses, but may want either a staller or a Blastoise out to make sure Oodairu
gets its energy.
Otachi-Bleh. 40 HP+ unreliable attack=bad Pokemon. I could have been so much
better. 2/5
Ootachi-Bleh again. If you're going to use Colorless Pokemon, stay away from
the Otachi line. Belive me, there are much better Colorless Pokemon. 2.5/5
HooHoo-Nice. Not very good attacks, but better then Otachi. 2.5/5
Yorunozoku-This guy's Pokemon Power is awsome! The ability to look at your
opponent's hand is good enough, but you can also shuffle a Trainer card in
his hand back into his deck! Very nice! But, I think Wing Attack could have
been replaced with a differant move. 3.5/5
Rediba-Eh. Don't like this guy. The attacks are just too weak and
unreliable. 2.5/5
Redian-Eh again! Unless you got something real good on your bench, I suggest
you don't use him. The again, if you were to couple this guy with another
Redian... 3/5
Itomaru-Scary Face is pretty much useless since he does have String Shot.
Ariadosu-Hmm... He might have his uses. Spider Nest isn't that bad, and
Vampiric Posion isn't half bad. 3/5
Chonchii-Bleh. Neither of his attacks are that good. But his evolution could
make up for it. 2/5
Rantaan-This guy could have many decks based around it. But I don't think
he'll get much play if SER isn't banned. 3/5
Pichu-This guy's a little weird. The Baby Power helps his 30 HP, but his
attack wouldn't help him at all against Haymakers. 2.5/5
Pii-WOW!!!! One energy for an Oak that lets you shuffle your hand into your
deck! Where do I sign up!!?? Expect this guy to be in many decks. 4.5/5
Togepi-Bleh. Don't like him. Posion Thorn isn't that bad, but there are much
better Colorless Pokemon. 2.5/5
Togechikku-Bleh again. If you're going to use a Metronomer, use Clefable. If
you're going to use something like Fly, use a Pokemon with Agility. 2.5/5
Neiti-Telekinesis isn't that bad, but with 30 HP, don't expect this guy to
do that much damage. 3/5
Neitio-See The Future isn't that bad, and neither is Confuse Ray, provided
you have the energy. 3/5
Meriipu-This guy can be very useful, provided you have enough Meriipu and
the ability to evolve him without it getting killed. 3/5
Mokoko-You can expect to see some strange decks involving this guy. Heck, he
may even give Devolution Spray some use. 3/5
Denryuu-Wow! Giga Shockis pretty nice, especially when you've charged him up
care of Meriipu. 4/5
Kireihana-Sweet Honey ain't that bad. Flower Dance also has some potential.
You could end up seeing some very strange Stalls/Grass decks when this guy
comes out. 4/5
Marril-Hmm...This guy's pretty strange. Defense Curl can keep him alive for
a while, but Bubble Bomb can be very useful as well (like a weaker water
Buzz). 3/5
Mariruri-This guy is also good. Bubble Shower really does have potential.
I'm thinking he could fit into a few Rain Dances. 3.5/5
Usokii-This guy is like a suicidal BBP. Expect to see him in a few Hays. 3/5
Hanekko-Bleh. If you're going to use something with Sprout, use Oddish or
Bellsprout. 2/5
Popokko-Once again, there are much better Grass Pokemon. 2/5
Watakko-What the...? A 2nd stage evolution with two one cost attacks? Birth
Seed would have been better, if only Watakko had been a BBP. 2.5/5
Eipamu-Make A Wish has a lot of potential. He may prove useful in most any
deck. 3.5/5
Himanattsu-A chance of putting three energy on this guy on turn one? WOW! A
possible Mega Drain on turn two? YES! 40HP? NNNOOOOOO!!!!!! Still, with
enough protection, this guy is great for early game. 3.5/5
Kimawari-Hmmm... Doesn't do the Basic form justice. He should have been so
much better. 3/5
Upaa-Amnesia is good for stall, and Slam isn't that bad. Not very bad, but
still not the best. 2.5/3
Nuoo-Surf or Earthquake? Really, I would say neither. But I guess he could
have his uses in a Fighting/Water deck. 3/5
Yamikarasu-Ohhhh... an Evil type...It would have been pretty good, if only
Evil Energy weren't limited to 4 per deck. 2.5/5
Yadokingu-Match Wits would have been really awsome, if only it could have
been used from the bench. And why didn't they just make Mad Impact Confuse
Ray? Well, he might see some play. 3/5
Kirinriki-Not that bad. It's like a mini Fearow and a mini 'Kazam put
together. 3/5
Guriagaa-A Posion attack on a Fighting type? Hmm... has it's uses. But
wasn't Fighting supposed to be built for a massive amount of damage. Hmmm...
sort of makes the whole Posion thing useless. 2.5/5
Haganeeru-Ohhh... a Steel Pokemon. Not that bad either. 110 HP, Resistence
to Grass, and an attack with the potential to do 50 damage, along with a
Colorless attack to make sure you're doing damage 'till you get that Steel
energy. But a 4 Retreat. Ow! 3.5/5
Snubble-Nothing amazing about this guy. Probably won't get that much play.
Guranburu-Eck! Raging Tackle might have its uses, if only he had more HP. I
think Onix would be a much better choice for Rages. 3/5
Tsubotsubo-Nothing very awsome about this guy. There are many Grass Pokemon
that are better then him. 2.5/5
Haerkurosu-Little kids preventing you from getting your Charizard? Wait till
this sukcer comes out. The attack by itself is good for lucky people, but
with the Pokemon Power, he becomes a major power house. Just use Potions,
ER, and SER to make sure he can get to 20 HP and stay there without dying.
3.5/5 (same grade Charizard got in Pojo magazine Vol. 1 No.4)
Nyuura-Bag Strike can be a very nice attack, as long as you have the energy
for it. If you do use him, pack a few Energy Removal Gyms. 4/5
Urinuu-Wow! Not that bad for a Basic Water type. One for ten and they're
Asleep, and a RESISTENCE to ELECTRIC!! Not that bad. 3.5/5
Inomuu-Very useful in a Rain Dance. Ice Grasp isn't that good, but there's
always Blizzard. Plus there's the Electric Resistence.Guess Buzz won't think
so lowly on Rain Dances any more. 4/5
Mantain-Not bad for a Basic Water type. Swaying Swin isn't that bad. 3/5
Eaamudo-Not very good. I don't think that either Key Claw shouldn't require
a flip or Steel Wing should work like Agility. Still, not that bad. 3/5
Kingudora-Very nice. 50 damage attack and no Weakness. Expect to see him in
many Rain Dances. 4/5
Gomazou-Could be nice for stalling, but not many Fighting decks need stall.
Donphan-Not really the best, but it can work. Just make sure you have enough
Energy and a good Pokemon to bring forward. 3/5
Odoshishi-Not that bad, but I would much rather use Tauros. 3/5
Erekiddo-This little fella is very good in most any decks. Heck, just place
him down when you're charging up a Pokemon or when you're stalling. 4.5/5
Bubii-This guy could be the down fall of Stall. Attack with him once, and
you have a chance to Gust and kill of that really damaged Pokemon on the
bench. 4/5
Mirutanku-Milk isn't that bad, but I think Body Slam should have been
better. 3/5
Lugia-This guy is crazy! If SER gets banned, expect to see Hay varients with
him there. 4/5
Bellsprout Temple-Wow! Makes Ditto and other Colorless Pokemon pretty much
useless. 4/5
Bill's Transport Machine-Wow once again. This card's a little more risky
then Bill, but it does pay off big time. 4/5
Card Turning Game-Hmmm... I'm a little torn over this one. On one hand, you
could draw 2 cards. On the other, you only get to see a Prize. I'd much
rather use Bill or Bill's Transport Machine. 3.5/5
Ecolo Gym-Wow! An instant Energy Retrieval! Sign me up! 4/5
Energy Charge-Not that bad. I'm sure many Fire decks will be using it. 3.5/5
Fishing Pole-Looks like Evolution decks have something good going for them.
All it requires is a little luck. 3.5/5
Golden Nut-I like this much better then Super Potion. These will probably
see much more play. 3.5/5
Kurumi-A little weird, but it does help get those extra Oaks out of your
hand and into your deck. 3/5
Miracle Nut-A little better then Full Heal. I don't think it will get that
much use, but you never know. 2.5/5
Moomoo Milk-Why use this when there's the Nuts? 2.5/5
New Pokedex-Not much better then the original. 2.5/5
Nut-Better then Potion. 3/5
Pokegear-Hmmm... I would suggest using as many Trainers as you can before
playing this card. 2.5/5
Pokemon March-Nice, especially for Wiggly and Haymakers. 3/5
Pokemon Swap-I'd much rather use Switch and Gust of Wind, unless my bench
were full of Scythers. 2.5/5
Professer Ustugi-Wow! Quite a choice here. Oak or Ustugi?  Expect this to be
played A LOT! 4.5/5
Slot Game-Bleh. Use Bill or Bill's Transport Machine insted. 2/5
Spirit Headband-Hmmm.... This card takes full advantage of Scoop Up. I'm
thinking it will be used quite a bit. 3.5/5
Super Energy Retrieval-Nice card, just hard to chosse what to get rid of.
Might replace Energy Retrieval though. 3.5/5
Super Scoop Up-Won't see much play in Hays. Might be in a lot of Evolution
decks, though. 3.5/5
Time Capsule-WOW!!! Very, VERY nice. Expect this to see a lot of play in all
kinds of decks. 4.5/5
Evil Energy-Only very good on Evil Pokemon. Could see some usage in
Haymakers. 2.5/5
Recycle Energy-Very nice card. Could be put into decks just to pay for
Trainer discards. 3.5/5
Steel Energy-Only very good on Steel Pokemon. Might find its way into
Stalls. 3/5

All translations were found at Edo's site
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