Hi everybody! I wanna talk about this article posted by some guy...Well,
he went on and on about how good Hypno was and how he was the best stage 1
psychic pokemon. I have a question for you, guy. Have you heard of Kadabra?
Fossil Haunter?
Let's examine Hypno, shall we?
Evolves from Drowzee (Drowzee SUCKS)
90 HP (Good here...)
P-Prophecy: (0) Look at the top 3 cards of any deck and rearrange them.
(Another Pokedex? Only good for using on opponent)
PPP-Dark Mind: (30) This attack does 30 + 10 to a benched pokemon of your
choice. (Kinda Good, but 30 damage for 3 psy energy?? Kadabra does 50 for two
psy energy and one colorless!!)
As for Drowzee, he just plain sucks.
    Well, that's today's rant. I will see you a later. Good-bye. Any
questions, comments, hate mail, email, tips, etc. Send them to Ky2Kle@AOL.COM