One of the most underrated cards. Let's look at the stats:

Golbat         60 HP

3 colorless: Wing attack. 30 damage
2 Grass and one colorless: Leech Life. Does 20 damage. Remove damage
counters equal to the damage done to the defending Pokemon.

Weakness to Psychic
Resistance to fighting
Retreat cost: 0

Hmmm... 60 HP isn't that good. Wizards could have made it 70 HP. Free
retreat is excellent, Resistance is nice. Weakness is bad. Now comes the
attacks. Wing attack is ok. That's 3 colorless energies and you can put any
energy! I'm disappointed about Leech Life. 20 damage+ 20 damage= 40? That
isn't great. If you use Golbat, put it in 2 color decks since Golbat and
Zubat have colorless abilities. Also, add in pluspowers. 20 damage isn't
that great. Try it in your deck. I'm not saying that this card is the worst.
It's definately not the best though. This card should have been improved,
but I like it's free retreat though which makes it useful, but most Pokemon
can kill it in one shot. There's my report about Golbat.


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