
Type Psychic
no resistance
reatrat c

Meditate pc 10+

Does 10 damage plus 10 more for each damage
counter on the defending pokemon.

Pokemon Power: Invisible wall
Whenever an attack (including your own) does 30 or more
damage to Mr.Mime (after applying weaknes and resistance),
prevent that damage. (Any other effects will still happen.)
This power can`t be used if Mr.Mime is asleep, confused or paralyzed.

Here comes Mr.Mime, the pesky little monster.
Mr.Mime is good only because of his pokemon power.
It`s AWESOME, Mr.Mime can`t be killed by a charizard.
To bad it stops working when Mr.Mime gets confused,
asleep or paralyzed, but you could work out that out fine
with full heals, switches or lots a energy to retreat.
The attack, i realy shouldn`t have said that the popkemon
power is everything. Imagine a heavyhitter as the defending
pokemon, and your opponent don`t have enough energy to retreat.
It could also be devastating with gust of winds in the deck.

But what use do you have of Alakazam?
Well, since your opponent has to use weak attacks to hurt
Mr.Mime Alakazam`s pokemon power is really usefull.
If your opponent hurts Mr.Mime Alakazam could simply
move the damage to someone else, be sure to have pokemon with
GREAT hp on the bench and you can go on for ever.

This was written by the greatest frog in the world.
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