Dear Pojo,
    My name is Phil Mondiello. I'm here to discuss the debate on Porygon.
Porygon can be EXTREMELY useful if you use him the right way. First, I was at
the Pokemon League summer training tour in Livingston, New Jersey and I have
been to the Trainer Showdown. Strangely, in both events I battled a kid that
had a Porygon in his deck. What he did was took out a Syther and put Porygon
on the bench. He retreated Syther and took out Porygon he used conversion 2.
I had 2 Magmars out and I coudn't attack thanks to conversion 2. When it was
his turn he used Conversion into Grass. I still coudn't effect him. Then he
went and retreated Porygon and took out Syther. He used Slash and I was out.
In the showdown I won against him, but in the training tour I lost. And I'm
an awsome trainer thats been battling since March of 99'!
                                                        Phil Mondiello