*Authors note* Its hard to write these lists and
not regret what you wrote later on.
you dont think about ALL the cards at your moment,
and you're sometimes unfair.
This Color was made for stalling and Color Variety
5. Wigglytuff [60 damage is a lot]
4. Ditto [They have it, you have it with Dbls]
3. Chansey [Hardcore Stall]
2. Kangaskhan [Card Drawing Stall]
1. Clefable [Versatility]
Hard Choices : Dragonair, Persian
The Most powerful color, The most powerful
5. Moltres [When needed, can be the best at its
4. Charmeleon [Not too powerful, Not too weak, can
be strong, can be normal]
3. Arcanine [Powerful enough for a lot of things]
2. Ninetales [Keep him pumped, he'll take a lot of
pokemon down]
1. Fossil Magmar [The most versatile of the
bunch, also the fastest attacker]
[Either Extremely Strong, or extremely weak]
5. Poliwrath [Good at its job, but its job isn't
used much]
4. Gyarados [Used to be great until Arty came]
3. Lapras [The One and only Water Mime killer (its
this high because nothing else good can kill mime in water]
2. Articuno [Blastoise's best friend, the Mass
damage for mass energy guy]
1. Blastoise [The supplier, the backbone, the
The most versatile.
5. Pinsir [Every color needs a raw power
4. Venomoth [Like a rattlesnake, once it strikes,
you're gone]
3. Nidoking [His toxic consumes all]
2. Scyther [ABSOLUTELY GREAT, goes in any deck has
all the Positives, but few negatives, colorless attack]
1. Venusaur [Big Boy, The strongest, The leader of
the pack, also makes the pack invulernable to energy loss.]
Quick and Strong, or Just plain Strong.
5. ------
4. ------
3. Fossil Raichu [The master of bench disruption]
2. Reg. Electrode [Underestimated, a quick boost,
a quite strong attack also, but its basic form makes it seem like a Gyarados
in a way...]
1. Electabuzz [FAST attack, STRONG attack,
basic, and a 70 hp Terror]
Sorry, but I felt none of the others were great
enough to put in the list of electric.
Stall kings, Very Versatile, the "unique
5. Kadabra [Recover??? 50 damage for 3 psychic
energy??? He's the Crusader, but he has to go through his Infant abra
stage making him vulernable]
4. Mr. Mime [Big Bully stopper, even the strongest
have their weakness, this card proves it]
3. Promo Mewtwo [The Soldier of psychic,
Kadabra would have made it here, but stage 1....]
2. Alakazam [Great Stage 1 and basic, but Damage
swap can't be used much except for PURE dmg swap, still good]
1. Gengar [His poké ability is gaining more uses
than damage swap, and his family line rocks]
The big, the strong, the powerful
5. Onix [Great, against anything BUT scyther.]
4. Kabutops [Totally underrated, but again,
scyther really mows through this whole color]
3. Hitmonlee [Goes through resistance, has
potential bench disruption, call him the "fighting pinsir"]
2. Aerodactyl [Even with all the ways around this
guy, he's STILL a threat]
1. Hitmonchan [The fastest, the most annoying, the
old and proud]
Thanks for your time,
-NeO DrAgOn
^ Hatemail, Thank You's, and different opinions
all go there