Hello. My name is Drew, and I am about to give, in my personal
the top ten TCG Pokemon cards. If you disagree with me, you may e-mail me
Animebucsfan@aol.com. Now for
the top ten Pokemon cards!
10. Hitmonlee- not as great as chan but still good
9. Ditto-Getting less and less useful as time goes on
8.Alakazam-Damage swap
7. Blastoise- Two words Rain Dance (he's back here due to the mime, Aero, and
6. Muk shuts down any deck that relies on pokemon powers
5. Aerodactyl- colorless attacks, and shuts down evolution decks
4. Mr. Mime: good attack and can shut down evol. decks
3. Hitmonchan- nasty basic with a lot of great damage
2. Electabuzz, fast and effective (he does have a downside, possibly damages
1. Scyther 70hp, no retreat cost and colorless attacks easily splashed into
any deck (gotta love'em)
Well there it is my top ten TCG playing card list. Like I said Others are
probably prone to disagree but E-mail me at my address listed above and I
will talk it over with you!
See you