Here is my opinion of the 10 best Pokemon.
10. Ninetales-good attack, stage 1, low retreat cost.
9. Blastoise-100HP, awesome attack, awesome pokemon power.
8. Articuno-resistance to fighting and no weakness, great attacks, goes good
in rain dance.
7. Hitmonchan-70HP, basic pokemon, stong attacks, goes great in haymaker.
6. Electabuzz-70HP, basic pokemon, strong, cheap attacks, goes great in
5. Haunter (fossil)-0 retreat cost, resistance to fighting and no weakness,
only 25% chance of getting hit.
4. Chansey-120HP, 1 retreat cost, resistance to psychic, great staller.
3. Scyther-70HP, basic pokemon, 0 retreat cost, resistance to fighting, stong
colorless attack, goes great in haymaker.
2. Gengar-80HP, 1 retreat cost for a stage 2, great pokemon power, great
attack, resistance to fighting and no weakness.
1. Dragonite-100HP, 1 retreat cost, resistance to fighting and no weakness,
great pokemon power, good attack.
You can contact me at
to discuss my choices.