hi pojoi love your site i would like to do a single card stratagie report on the two best evaloution lines in my opinion the gastly/haunter/gengar and drowzee/hypno lines.lets start with the gengar line
base gastly hp 30
sleeping gas 1 psi energy 50/50 chance of sleep
sleeping gas is not the best attack so i won't get into that basicly has a 50/50 chance sleep no damge
destoney bond 2 psi energy
this attack is basiclly a kamakasi attack wich means it kills it's self to kill the opponent what it does is you discard an energy and if your opponent knocks out gastly hes knoked out theres no real reson to use this unless your gonna die but if your opponent can do an attack that won't kill you then dont do this
ups resistence to fighting
downs no damage doing attacks horrible hp
fossil gastly hp 50
lick 1 psi energy 10 damage 50/50 chance of para lisation
i enjoy this attack because it does 10 damage and possible paralysation this attack ressembles other attacks in the TCG
energy conversion 2 psi energy
good attack for energy denial decks you get two energys from your discard pile but does do damage to gastly but if you need enrgys bad then you don't care
ups nice hp resistence great against energy denial decks
downs not the best hitter
base haunter hp 60
hypnosis 1 psi energy sleep
this attack is nicebecause it puts your opponents pokemon to sleep with no coin toss
dream eater 2 psi energy 50 damage
this attack kills alot of basics before they evolve making it good against all evaloution decks but people don't use him because the defenders pokemon must be sleeping but thats what hypnosis does right and if he can't flip out of it ther toast
ups nice hp resistence to fighting  and nice hp plus good staller
downs the attack needs sleep
fossil haunter hp 50
PP transparency
this power can keep your opponent from atacking haunter even if he wakes up from the attack its like a mime but theres no minimum damage making it good against a wide variety of decks
nightmare 2 psi energy 10 damge and sleep
this attack is horrible 2 energy for 10 damge but there is gaurenteed sleep which is good 
ups resistence and nice pp
downs every thing else about the card
gengar hp 80
pp curse
this is awsome it moves the damage from one place to another this goes right along with the dark mind attack  use this pp to take the excess damge from the dark mind attck and take it of the bench and on to the active
dark mind 3 psi energy 30 damage plus 10 damge to 1 benched pokemon
this is a great attack does 30 damage plus 10 excess damge to a benched pokemon this attck works well with the curse pp or as a bench killer eathier way this attck rocks
ups nice base damge nice hp pp that wroks along with the attack and a resistence
downs pre evovled forms are easey to kill so you are left without a place to put gengar
now the drowzee hypno line
drowzee 50 hp
pound 1  colorless energy 10 damge
 this is a cheap attack with low damage no use really
confuse ray 2 psi energy 10 damge and 50/50 chance of confusion
this attack does 10 base damge but can confuse meaning that your opponent might kill himself trying to kill you which makes pound suddenley usefull
ups can confuse for cheap energy and decent hp
downs weakness
hypno 90 hp
proffacey 1psi  energy
this attack is great for energy denial deck by messing up your opponents deck and also great against energy denial deck for the same reson except you mess up your own deck
dark mind 3 psi energy 30 damage & 10 damage to 1 benched pokemon
the exact same attack that gengar has but this becomes less usefull because of the lack of gengars pp