Bad(evil, or whatever its called) muk is a pretty good
card. I know thats a cheap intro, but I
really want to get to the point :P. Its my favorite
card of the Team Rocket Set(that gives you
a clue of how sad the TR set is, well there are some
good ones like maybe dugtrio, golduck and
gyarados and muk and a few others:). Lets look at his

60 HP

That sucks for a stage 1, seriously, it does. But hey,
its TR set...

Pokemon Power

Its power is its best part. If its active, and your
opponent wants to retreat, he has to discard
2 extra energy cards! That means 6 for snorlax and 2
for a rattata! That can screw up the opponent's
plans badly. Think about it. If he wants to stall with
chansey, bad muk can make it retreat for
3, which can ruin his plans. Scyther's free retreat is
helpful too, atleast thats when bad muk
comes into town. But there are downsides to this plan,
bad muk can be confused, or asleep easily
when its active and since it only works when bad muk
is active... ouch. Its 60 dosen't help much


fossil muk's attack, except it does 10 damage less and
requires one less energy...

Resistance, weakness

Same as fossil muk's, no point here

Retreat cost

again, the same as fossil muk's retreat(2). But it
sounds better with 80 HP than 60.


Another good thing, its uncommon. That means you can
easily get 4 and put into your deck(or 3).

So as you can see, bad muk isn't bad, so don't look
past this purple creature.

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