Hiya! Yes its true, I am back!! =) Ok I want a show of
hands of how many people like my articles. If you don't
like them , GO TO HELL.Ok I have that off my chest now, and
my I continue. Ok I got alot of fan mail so I said I'll do
another 10 best, 10 best trainers, and 10 best pokemon.

10 Best Pokemon

10)Jynx-A good card, great in psychic decks which will add
speed and a great starter to a psy deck. She's been around
a long time and she's still good.

9)Chansey-Excellant staller, but I think she is somehow
related to a lemming w/ that double edge, no? Oh well nice
card, nice expensive price and a great staller.

8)Fossil Magmar-Great fire pokemon which adds speed to
fired decks, A great starter that will allow the lil
demented children to build up their.. *laughs* Charizard
hahahaha. Ok Magmar=Good, Charizard=bad, get the picture?
I'm sure you do.

7)Gengar-Ok I dropped liking Blastiose and Alakazam, but I
love this card!! It's awesome!! Hypno would've mad it but
he has a weakness alot of retreat and no resistace. I say
you put at least 2 gengars in every psychic deck. *Syco's
note* If you use basic gastly or haunter for this card,
I'll have to kill you

6)Venomoth-I can tell you alot about this card, it has some
power, destroys Mr. Mime and stops the big guns cold. He
has resistance which will scare Hitmonchan to death. And
he's got a nasty pokemon power which will really hurt
psychic. If you have even half the luck I do w/ this card,
you'll win games w/ just him. My friend Derrick will tell
yeah...*thinks back and laughs*

5)Pinsir-Nice card, Iron grip then add a DCE next turn and
Gullotne. There goes all those 70 hp guys. Only drawback to
pinsir is his low hp... =(

4)Scyther-Yeah scyther dropped back a few with the popular
magmar, all scythers are scared. Scyther is still a great
card just to weak against magmar.

3)Hitmonchan-Yes I still call him the uncrowned King of
Haymakers. I'm sure Brian will tell you he's what made him
see the light. Its just that in most cases Buzz can o more
damage than Hitmonchan.

2)Mr. Mime-This guy moved up alot. I started using him to
play for "fun" haha. I would battle a kid for keeps and
what would he send out?A big gunner, I send out lil ol'
Mime and kill it w/out ever getting scratched. Its also got
a nice hp for real games. Works great late in a game.

1)Electabuzz-The uncrwoned pince has come a long long way.
He has reached the number 1 slot which he will stay at
until probably Rocket comes out. He's got an awesome attack
and deals out major damage fast. Great card he is.

Top 10 Trainers

10)Pokemon Trader-Great for when you need an evolution.

9)Energy Removal-great for the begining of a game to buy
you time and let you pokemon live a little bit longer.

8)Energy Search-This is a must for two color decks, so when
you don't have the right energy well duh use this card!!

7)SER-Amazing, simply amazaing. What about taking those 2
DCE on that kanghaskan, or on that kaikaze chansey? This is
a must for ALL decks.

6)Plus Power-Add 10 extra damage to your attack and get rid
of those annoying pokemon one turn earlier.

5)Pokemon Breeder-Get to your 2nd evolve fast by using this
card! helps getting those second turn blastioses!!

4)Scoop Up-A must for all decks again, retreat and potion
those high retreat cost pokemon. Or  if a pokemon is weak
just use this!!

3)Comp Search-It gets you any card you need! For only a
small price of two cards that aren't important at that
moment!! Akk the cards from here down are a must for all

2)Prof Oak-7 new cards can change a game around.

1)Bill-Yes He's been the best forever!!! He will be the
best forever!!

Ok Thanx and e-mail me at sycobob52@yahoo.com , pleas enot
hate mail!!
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