1st of all: Pojo rocks!
2nd: Pojo, please post this in your best of the best section, Thanks!
Fire:  This one was hard, but I'll have to go with charizard for his pokemon power and his HP.
runners up: Ninetales, Arcanine, Rapidash
Grass:  No Contest! Vileplume is the best card in the game.  He can heal your pokemon before each turn and can do up to one hundred damage in one blow. So what! if he's confused after.
runners up: Venusaur, Nidoking, Beedrill
Fighting:  Kabutops.  His HP sucks but his attacks kick butt!
runners up: Machamp, Golem, Hitmonlee
Electric:  Fossil Zapdos, if opponents bench is full, can do up to 140 damage all together.
runners up: Fossil Raichu, Electabuzz, Base Electrode
Water:  for his great HP and great second attack, I'd have to say Gyarados
runners up: Dewgong, Blastoise for his pokemon power, Poliwrath
Psychic:  Alakazam! Best pokemon power in the game and pretty good attack
runners up: Gengar, Fossil Haunter, Mr. Mime
Colorless:  Clefable for it's low costing Metronome
runners up: Wigglytuff, Jigglypuff, Dragonite
Chad Kaplan