hey pojo,
    you know what i would call a pokeflute? yep, you guessed it, absolutly
crap. think about it. the only thing the pokeflute would have good is
resurecting your oppenets pokemon. there are so pros and cons. a couple of
pros are that you can reasurect your oppenets bench and use a gust of wind to
put it out and kill that pokemon. sounds confusing huh? not really. but you
might want to put 3 pokeflutes and 5 gusts of winth to make this battle easy.
you could base your whole deck around this. pokefule might sound bad but it
can help. now for the cons. the pokeflute could be on the top of your deck
when the gust of win is on the bottom. what's the mean? your skrewed if you
based your deck around pokeflute. you might want to think about this because
if you base your deck around pokeflute, it turns your deck into a luck deck
which means you better get lucking. some say pokeflute is good. i find it
