Game situation:
Your opponent is playing Poor Man's Haymaker w/ Diglett, Rattata, and
fossil Magmar. You are playing a mono grass deck with Scyther. Your
Scyther on your last turn killed his forth and final diglett. Prizes are
5-4 him. Your turn with 4 cards left in library. You have 2 Pokemon
Flute, 2 Gust of Wind and an energy in your hand. He brings out Magmar
but no energy. You shock him with a pokemon flute his diglett, GOW it
out, and slash for a prize. Next turn your opponent draws a fighting
energy he tells you. You saw his before the match the deck and you were
calculating. You figured out his next card is probably a fire energy. So
you Pokemon Flute out a Rattata he used in a CPU Search attempt, GOW it
out, slash for the win. So in conclusion, a card everyone hates and a
card everyone loves can work together to double annoy an opponent.
Any hate mail can be kept in the back of your mind for a stupid article.
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