Electabuzz is one of the fastest pokemon in the
game so how good is the promo lets take a look at him
60 hp
basic pokemon
light screen (requires i electric energy)
effect during your opponents next turn all damage done to electa buzz is
quick attack(requires 2 colourless)does 10
damage plus 20 more if heads is flipped
now this card this nothing to base electabuzz
but one thing that stands out about him is a colourless attack this is great
on the first turn even better against raindance chuck a double colourless and
quick attack possible 60 damage to a weakness he is a great way to remove
blastoise before he makes an appearance your probably all saying eevee can do
the same damage and only needs one energy to retreat but there arent any
pokemon with a weakness to colourless so it will always be 10 or 30 damage i
think of this electabuzz as a weaker version of scyther so just use scyther
but your can only have 4 scythers and 60 hp is good for a basic so all in all
this electabuzz is not all that bad so next time you play haymaker give this
electabuzz a try